History of English

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History of English by Mind Map: History of English

1. The history of English can be described from the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles in the 500 BC. The Anglos, the Saxons and the Jutes crossed the North Sea from what we now know as Denmark and northern Germany. The Anglos received that name because of their Engle or Angels homeland. They called their own language Englisc, a word that derived in English or English.

1.1. Many pairs of words in English and Norwegian coexist giving us two words with the same or similar meaning. Examples of this:

1.1.1. examples Norwegian English Anger Wrath Nay No Fro From Ill Sick Dyke Ditch Skirt Shirt

1.2. In 1066 the Normans conquered Great Britain. French became the language of the Norman aristocracy and consequently more words were added to English. More pairs of similar words emerged:

1.2.1. examples French English Close Shut Reply Answer Annual Yearly Demand Ask Desire Wish Ire wrath / anger

1.3. Because the English servants cooked for the Norman nobility, the names of most domestic animals are English (ox, cow, calf, sheep, swine, deer), while the names of the meats obtained from these animals They are of French origin (beef, veal, mutton, pork, bacon, venison).

1.4. t is from this period that the English language begins to take shape and somewhat resemble the language spoken today. Although the word order and sentence construction was still slightly different, this early version of Modern English would have been understood by the Old English speaker. For example, the Old English phrase “To us pleases sailing” became “We like sailing”.