Racial-based discrimination against people of Chinese ethnicity in Western media

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Racial-based discrimination against people of Chinese ethnicity in Western media by Mind Map: Racial-based discrimination against people of Chinese ethnicity in Western media

1. Sinophobia

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. "Fear of or contempt for China, its people, or its culture." (The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, n.d.)

2. Western Countries

2.1. International opinions of China divided (Unfavorable views)

2.1.1. 1. Sweden (70%) 2. Canada (67%) 3. France (62%) 4. United States (60%) 5. Netherlands (58%) 6. Czech Republic (57%) 7. Australia (57%) 8. Italy (57%) 9. Germany (56%) 10. United Kingdom (55%) 11. Spain (53%) 12. Slovakia (48%) 13. Turkey (44%) 14. Hungary (37%) 15. Poland (34%) 16. Lithuania (33%) 17. Greece (32%) 18. Mexico (22%) 19. Bulgaria (20%) 20. Russia (18%) 21. Ukraine (14%) (Pew Research Center, 2019)

3. Target audience

3.1. Demographic

3.1.1. Older adults (30+), all genders and sexes, middle-upper class, high school grad+, all religions, all nationalities and races outside of Chinese ethnicity, majority Republican and Republican-leaning (Pew Research Center, 2020)

3.2. Psychographic

3.2.1. Interested in politics, human rights, and social justice/campaigns, likes learning new things, open to new ideas; has a decent/good education; curious, analytical, empathic, attentive, independent, mostly agentic traits but has communal traits as well (Eriksson, 2018)

3.3. Geographic

3.3.1. U.S.A. Major cities in America; urban and suburban population densities

4. 5 Ws + 1 H

4.1. What + Who

4.1.1. To address the issue of racial-based discrimination against people of Chinese ethnicity in Western media

4.2. When

4.2.1. The issue of racial-based discrimination against people of Chinese ethnicity has occurred throughout history, with instances increasing due to the current political climate as well as world events; for example, the Coronavirus (Wong, 2020)

4.3. Where

4.3.1. Western media (SparkNotes, n.d.) Newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, and other printed material Radio, television, and film Internet (online newspapers, news blogs, news videos, live news streaming, social media, podcasts, etc.)

4.4. Why

4.4.1. Immigration

4.4.2. Wealth disparity

4.4.3. Majority-minority relationship

4.4.4. Imperial history

4.4.5. Racism

4.5. How

4.5.1. Campaign Direct (UN Women, 2012) Lectures, seminars, discussions, workshops, conferences, and other forms of events and mass meetings Protests, demonstrations, and marches Indirect Digital/Electronic Print Design Colors Fonts Graphics