How to Start Earning 10x More Money in the Next 30 Days

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How to Start Earning 10x More Money in the Next 30 Days by Mind Map: How to Start Earning 10x More Money in the Next 30 Days

1. Start charging 10x more for your services.

1.1. Be able to back that up. It forces an important ultimatum on yourself — get better, or go broke.

1.2. And that changes everything. It can change your life. It can change your family’s life.

2. How To Start Charging 10x More (in just a few weeks)

2.1. Stop selling products, and start selling offers.

2.2. An offer is a bundle of cohesive products that solve a larger problem and provide a greater solution.

2.3. An offer is also highly unique, and allows you to infuse far more personality, value, and thought into it.

2.3.1. Examples of Products: An iPhone A cheeseburger A book

2.3.2. Examples of Offers: An iPhone, a 60-minute video training on how to use an iPhone, a PDF revealing secret features of the iPhone, and an eBook on the best ways to use your iPhone to be productive A cheeseburger, fries, and a large Coke A book, an electronic copy (eBook), an audio copy, and a matching workbook

2.4. If you are selling products, you’ll always have to lower costs to stay competitive.

2.5. Figure out exactly what your audience need and come up with a truly helpful answer to their problems.

2.6. Figure out: : what are some obvious companion-pieces you can add to your product to make it a real offer?

3. Here’s What Happens When You Have a Very Expensive Product

3.1. Your mind begins to operate on a higher level

3.2. You begin subconsciously thinking of new products and services that match the very expensive price.

3.3. The effect begins spreading to the rest of your business — and your mindset.

3.4. Your income skyrockets, because now you’re selling expensive things.

3.5. When you have a really expensive offer (that’s actually worth it), that will change you.

3.5.1. When you can tell someone you have a coaching package that costs $2,000, that means something.

3.5.2. People will look at you differently. You’ll look at yourself differently.

4. Part of the problem is that many entrepreneurs simply aren’t thinking big enough.

4.1. If you want big money, sell big things.

4.2. If you don’t believe you could make a million dollars a year, you certainly won’t be making that kind of money

4.3. Upgrade your mindset and your products

4.4. Marketing, advertising, redesigning their website, getting into search engine rankings etc. don't matter if your product is bad.