The ADDIE model according to Nicci

The ADDIE model of instructional design

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The ADDIE model according to Nicci by Mind Map: The ADDIE model according to Nicci

1. 1. Analysis

1.1. 1. Meet with stakeholders

1.2. 2. Establish instructional objective

1.3. 3. Determine audience/student cohort

1.4. 4. Establish what is known vs. knowledge gaps in audience/learners

1.5. 5. Find out delivery options/constraints, including time availability of audience

1.6. 6. Establish timeline until implementation

2. 4. Implementation

2.1. 1. Present learning objective/overview to teachers/facilitators

2.2. 2. Train facilitators in delivery (including technology aspects and assessment)

2.3. 3. Pilot course with group of learners

2.4. 4. Iron out problems then go live on LMS

3. 5. Evaluation

3.1. This occurs at most stages of the process.

3.2. Formative: to improve/revise content and presentation of material (learners may be asked to complete surveys)

3.3. Summative: evaluates the overall effectiveness of the training - were the objectives met?

4. 2. Design

4.1. 1. Decide content based on student knowledge gaps

4.2. 2. Determine duration and pace of learning sequence, based on stakeholder needs and learning efficacy

4.3. 3. Storyboard learning sequence in PPT format

4.4. 4. Obtain storyboard feedback from stakeholders

4.5. 5. Decide/gather/purchase media/learning instruments (software, exisiting curricula etc.)

5. 3. Development

5.1. 1. Decide on graphics, colours and fonts to engage specific audience/cohort

5.2. 2. Develop lessons using chosen media, based on approved storyboard

5.3. 3. Check that original learning objectives are being met with this program - adjust/add where necessary

5.4. 3. Test material for errors with sample group of students or other stakeholders.

5.5. 4. Revise program based on feedback