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Human by Mind Map: Human

1. Endocrine System

1.1. Pineal Glands

1.2. Pancreas

1.3. Pituitary Glands

1.4. Thyroid Glands

1.5. Parathyroid Glands

1.6. Hypothalamus

2. Lymphatic System

2.1. Lymph

2.2. Lymphatic vessels

2.3. Lymphatic organ

3. Digestive System

3.1. Alimentary Tract

3.1.1. Mouth

3.1.2. Pharynx

3.1.3. Esophagus

3.1.4. Stomach

3.1.5. Small and Large Intestines

3.1.6. Rectum

3.1.7. Anus

3.2. Accessory Organs

3.2.1. Salivary Glands

3.2.2. Liver

3.2.3. Gallbladder

3.2.4. Pancreas

4. Urinary System

4.1. Kidneys

4.2. Renal Pelvis

4.3. Bladder

4.4. Ureters

4.5. Urethra

5. Respiratory System

5.1. Lungs

5.2. Muscles of Respiration

5.2.1. Diaphragm

5.2.2. Intercostal Muscles

5.3. Airway

5.3.1. Mouth

5.3.2. Mouth

5.3.3. Pharynx

5.3.4. Larynx

5.3.5. Trachea

5.3.6. Bronchi

5.3.7. Bronchioles

6. Skeletal System

6.1. Cartilage

6.2. Bones

6.3. Ligaments

7. Cardiovascular System

7.1. Heart

7.2. Blood

7.2.1. Red blood Cells

7.2.2. White blood Cells

7.2.3. Platelets

7.2.4. Plasma

7.3. Blood Vessels

8. Nervous System

8.1. Peripheral Nervous System

8.1.1. Nerves

8.2. Central Nervous System

8.2.1. Brain

8.2.2. Spinal Cord

9. Mascular System

9.1. Integumentary System

9.1.1. Skin

9.1.2. Nails

9.1.3. Hair

9.1.4. Secretory Glands

9.1.5. Subcutaneous Tissue

9.1.6. Blood Supply

9.1.7. Innervation

9.2. Skeletal Muscles

9.3. Cardiac or Heart Muscles

9.4. Smooth Muscles