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Metals and Non-Metals by Mind Map: Metals and Non-Metals

1. Metals

1.1. Physical properties

1.1.1. they are solids

1.1.2. high density

1.1.3. malleable and ductile

1.1.4. good conductor of heat and electricity

1.2. Chemical properties

1.2.1. meral+ O2---> metal oxide

1.2.2. metal + water ---> metal oxide+ hydrogen

1.2.3. Metal + Dilute acid ---> Salt+H2

1.2.4. Metal+Cl2---> Metal oxide

1.2.5. Metal+H2---> Metal Hydride

2. Corrosion

2.1. A process in which metal reacts with substances present in the atmosphere to form surface compounds.

3. Activity series of metal or reactivity series

3.1. K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Zn > Fe > Sn > Pb > H > Cu > Hg > Ag > Au

4. Non-Metals

4.1. Physical Properties

4.1.1. Can be solids,liquids or gas

4.1.2. brittle

4.1.3. non-malleable and non-ductile

4.1.4. poor conductor of electricity

4.2. Chemical Properties

4.2.1. non-metal + O2--> non-metal oxide

4.2.2. non-metal + steam ---.> H2 + non-metal oxide

4.2.3. non-metal+acid ---> no reaction

4.2.4. non-metal + Cl2 ---> non-metal chloride

5. formation of ionic compound when a metal and a nonmetal elements are continued for the transferring of their electrons to form an ionic compound.