Metals and Non-Metals
by Prerna Dutta
1. Metals
1.1. Physical properties
1.1.1. they are solids
1.1.2. high density
1.1.3. malleable and ductile
1.1.4. good conductor of heat and electricity
1.2. Chemical properties
1.2.1. meral+ O2---> metal oxide
1.2.2. metal + water ---> metal oxide+ hydrogen
1.2.3. Metal + Dilute acid ---> Salt+H2
1.2.4. Metal+Cl2---> Metal oxide
1.2.5. Metal+H2---> Metal Hydride
2. Corrosion
2.1. A process in which metal reacts with substances present in the atmosphere to form surface compounds.
3. Activity series of metal or reactivity series
3.1. K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Zn > Fe > Sn > Pb > H > Cu > Hg > Ag > Au
4. Non-Metals
4.1. Physical Properties
4.1.1. Can be solids,liquids or gas
4.1.2. brittle
4.1.3. non-malleable and non-ductile
4.1.4. poor conductor of electricity
4.2. Chemical Properties
4.2.1. non-metal + O2--> non-metal oxide
4.2.2. non-metal + steam ---.> H2 + non-metal oxide
4.2.3. non-metal+acid ---> no reaction
4.2.4. non-metal + Cl2 ---> non-metal chloride