Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. A test has validity evidence if we can demonstrate that it measures what it says it measures.

2. Reliability refers to the stability of a test score over repeated administrations.

3. 1. Construct Validity

3.1. Determined by finding whether test results correspond with scores on other variables as predicted by some rationale or theory.

4. 3 Types of Validity

5. 2. Criterion-Related Validity

5.1. Established by correlating test scores with an external standard or correlation to obtain a numerical estimate of validity.

5.1.1. Concurrent Validity Determined by correlating test scores with a criterion measure collected at the same time.

5.1.2. Predictive Validity Determined by correlating test scores with a criterion measure collected after a period of time has passed.

6. 3. Content Validity

6.1. Assessed by systematically comparing a test item with instructional objectives to see if they match:does not yield a numerical estimate.

7. 1.Test-Retest or Stability

8. 2. Alternate forms of Equivalent

9. 3. Internal Consistency

9.1. Split-Half method

9.2. Kuder Richardson Method

9.3. Problems with internal consistency estimates

10. 3 Types of Reliability

11. *Validity and Reliability are important factors in testing and measure. Educators should keep in mind the various types of validity and reliability. Knowing how important the various types helps during learning assessment. This can make a cause for a more accurate, valid and reliable testing. Test scores can be successful when educators intend to measure, what is supposed to be measured*