Entrepreneurial culture

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Entrepreneurial culture by Mind Map: Entrepreneurial culture

1. Basic concepts

1.1. Entrepreneur

1.1.1. Person

1.1.2. New ideas

1.1.3. Implement

1.2. Intrapreneur

1.2.1. Inside

1.3. Entrepreneurship

1.3.1. Skill

1.3.2. Process

1.3.3. Establish new entreprises

1.4. Entrepreneurial

1.4.1. Adjective

1.4.2. Someones that

1.5. Culture

1.5.1. Common features

1.5.2. Generation to generation

1.6. Entrepreneurial culture

1.6.1. Passion to realize

1.6.2. Culture which motivates people to

1.7. Invention

1.7.1. Beginning

1.7.2. Design an idea

1.8. Innovation

1.8.1. Implementation plus

2. Factors

2.1. Tolerance to uncertainty

2.2. Need for success

2.3. Focus of control

2.4. Incentive of being independent and respected

2.5. Family and community support

2.6. Education and experience

2.7. Risk-taking

2.8. The desire to serve the country

2.9. Self confidence

3. Traits and behaviors

3.1. Foundational skills

3.1.1. Business, economic and financial literacy

3.1.2. Communication and interpersonal skills

3.1.3. Digital skills

3.1.4. Career awareness

3.2. Entrepreneurial process skills

3.2.1. Discovery

3.2.2. Concept development

3.2.3. Resourcing

3.2.4. Actualization

3.2.5. Harvesting

3.3. Business function

3.3.1. Financial management

3.3.2. Human resource management

3.3.3. Information management

3.3.4. Marketing management

3.3.5. Operations management

3.3.6. Risk management

3.3.7. Strategic management

4. The selfs

4.1. Self concept

4.2. Self steem

4.3. Social self

4.4. Self knowledge

5. DNA of the entrepreneur

5.1. Resilience

5.2. Teamwork

5.3. Passion

5.4. Leadership

5.5. Integrity

5.6. Quality

5.7. Customer focus

5.8. Flexibility

5.9. Vision

6. Colombian entrepreneurial culture

6.1. Hofstede's culture model for Colombia

6.1.1. Power distances 67

6.1.2. Individualism 13

6.1.3. Masculinity 64

6.1.4. Uncertainty avoidance 80

6.1.5. Long term orientation 13

6.1.6. Indulgence 83

6.2. Test results

6.2.1. Strengths Family background Effective management in economic informal contexts Ambition To work in difficult contexts. Acquiring basic economic factors. Basic accounting terms.

6.2.2. Weaknesses Law system Good intentions, but lack of knowledges Difficulty in scaling innovative processes Lack of entrepreneurial culture in education Difficulty in scaling to industrialization) Financial terms.