What it means to be a teacher

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What it means to be a teacher by Mind Map: What it means to be a teacher

1. What my Dad thinks it means

1.1. Being responsible for observing children learning asnd growing and making sure they are making progress.

1.2. Knowing as well as teaching you have an obligation to influence a chills life.

1.3. Having a good rapport with parents so they are encouraged to be involved in their child's education.

1.4. realising you are continuously learning and changing the methods you teach with.

1.5. Knowing education is multi-dimensional, it can be both mental and physical.

2. What I think it means

2.1. Having good relationships with not only the children you teach but with parents, caregivers, and the whole local community.

2.2. Being aware of the code of ethics for registered teachers and understanding some of these ethics may clash with your own personal beliefs.

2.3. Understanding that children learn differently and what may work for some will not work for all children. A good teacher should be able to recognise the individual learning needs of the children they teach.

2.4. Following the New Zealand curriculum and understanding it is an obligation to do so.

2.5. Understanding that children learn best when they feel safe both physically and mentally. teachers should be able to recognise when this is preventing a child from learning

3. What my course material tells me it means

3.1. Teachers should be able to collaborate with parents and care givers so children are getting the best education possible.

3.2. Making your classroom a safe place to be in so children feel like they can take risks.

3.3. Following the code of ethics for registered teachers.

3.4. Following the graduating teachers standards.

3.5. Having a classroom that has no diversity so all children feel welcome and accepted.