Air and Noise Pollution Activity 1

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Air and Noise Pollution Activity 1 by Mind Map: Air and Noise Pollution     Activity 1

1. 3-Hystory about Air Pollution in Malaysia

1.1. Air pollution has been an ongoing problem in many countries in the Southeast Asia region, and Malaysia is one of the worst affected. The main cause of this haze is the slash and burn practice by farmers and peat fires blown by the wind from Indonesia. especially Sumatra, which mainly affects the Peninsular Malaysia and Kalimantan, which mainly affects East Malaysia. A state of emergency was announced once in 2005 at Port Klang as the Air Pollution Index (API) went above the 500 level. Malaysia is working with the Indonesian authorities to help curb peat fires. Malaysia and Indonesia, together with other members of the ASEAN community, signed the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution in 2002 as a result of a 1997 haze. However, Indonesia is the only country that has not signed the agreement. A repeat incident in 2005 and 2006 has forced Malaysia and Singapore to pressure Indonesia to sign it.

2. Ozone

2.1. Good Ozone

2.1.1. Stratosphere or good layer is elongated upwards from about 6-30 miles , naturally occurs in the upper atmosphere and protect us from sun's ultraviolet rays.

2.2. Bad ozone

2.2.1. Created when vehicle other emission mix with pollutants and are heated by the sun and dangerous for breathing and damaging plants and trees.

3. 1-Oil Palm

3.1. Effect for Environment

3.1.1. Climate Change

3.1.2. Biodiversity Loss

3.1.3. Ecosystem Intergrity Loss

3.1.4. Soil and Water Pollution

3.1.5. Soil Erosian

3.1.6. Air Pollution

3.2. Composition Air Pollution

3.2.1. Oil palm trees produce unusually high levels of so-called volatile organic compounds (VOCS). These react with nitrogen oxides (NOx) in Oil palm saplings the presence of sunlight to form ozone. While ozone is welcome high in the atmosphere shielding the Earth from damaging ultraviolet light, at ground level it causes breathing problems and damages plants.

4. 2-Effect Air Pollution

4.1. Animal

4.1.1. Poison a liar's life through endocrine function.

4.1.2. Organ injury

4.1.3. Increased susceptibility to stress and disease.

4.1.4. Lower reproductive age

4.1.5. Death

4.2. Plant

4.2.1. Damage necrosis (leaf loss)

4.2.2. Damage chlorosis (colour)

4.2.3. Stunted growth causing some of the earth's population to lack food and economic respurces that ultimately distrupt daily life.

4.3. Belongings

4.3.1. Sulfer dioxide in the air causes impurities on clothing and walls of building.

4.3.2. It also causes acid rain which will damage the paint on building and monument

4.3.3. Effect the particulate matter causes damage to building.

4.3.4. The corrosian is enhanced

4.3.5. It causes cracks and faiding of pointed surface.

4.3.6. Particulates accumulate on the soil and reduce fertility of soil.

4.4. Human

4.4.1. Bronchitis

4.4.2. Asthama

4.4.3. Lung Cancer

4.4.4. Heart Disease

4.4.5. Skin Irritation

4.4.6. Brain Damage (In Children)

4.4.7. Stroke