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P2 by Mind Map: P2

1. NHS - The NHS have a budget of 105 billion for 2 million employees. More people work here than any other organisation in the UK, which shows that it is a very demanding job and they provide well for their employees. They are envied across the world. The most senior governance board meets every two months at the Department of Health. It defines and manages the strategic direction and priorities of NHS Choices, responds to the Users’ Council, Clinical Information Advisory Group and escalates requests from the Operations Board. It is also responsible for approving yearly financial budgets and development plans.

1.1. Health Authority Yorkshire and the Humber - NHS Yorkshire and the Humber was set up by the Government in July 2006 to act as the regional body for the NHS. We are one of ten strategic health authorities (SHAs) for England set up on this date. The SHA was formed from the merger of the three former SHAs of West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire.As a strategic health authority NHS Yorks & Humber provides leadership for all NHS organisations across the region. We make sure that NHS services in Yorks & Humber provide high-quality, clinically-safe services and spend taxpayers' money properly. Improving public health and reducing health inequalities are also important strategic objectives.

1.1.1. Healthcare Commission - We check all hospitals in England to ensure they are meeting government standards, and we share our findings with the public.We are the independent regulator of all health and social care services in England. Our job is to make sure that care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances, care homes and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets government standards of quality and safety. We are funded through a combination of registration fee income and government grant-in-aid. The Care Quality Commission began operating on 1 April 2009 as the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. We replaced three earlier commissions: the Healthcare Commission, the Commission for Social Care Inspection and the Mental Health Act Commission.

2. Prime minister

2.1. Ministry of Defence - Phil Hammond is secretary of the state for the ministry of defence. Between 2010 - 2011 the ministry of defence got 39.4 billion money to spend. The ministry of defence is in charge of the army, navy and raf. Phil Hammond has specific responsibilites he needs to fulfill to do his job properly and provide a service for the UK, his responsibilities state: strategic direction on the following; operations, personnel, The Strategic Defence and Security Review Defence planning, programme and resource allocation Defence policy International Relations Nuclear programme Acquisition Parliamentary business and communications

2.1.1. Armed Forces - Currently serving in the armed forces there are 101,000 soldiers, 40,000 RAF, 35,000 Navy and 85,000 civilian staff. There overall budget is 39.46 billion pounds. Afghanistan and Iraq are currently the two main places our armed forces are working to provide a service for our country and protect our best interests. Defence Vetting Agency - They process three main types of National Security Vetting (NSV) checks and clearances. Counter Terrorist Check (CTC) for people employed in posts with proximity to public figures, access to information or material assessed to be of value to terrorists or unescorted access to establishments assessed to be at risk from terrorist attack. A CTC does not allow a person access to or knowledge of protectively marked assets. Security Check (SC) for people employed in posts which have substantial access to SECRET assets or occasional controlled access to TOP-SECRET assets. Developed Vetting (DV) is needed for people with substantial unsupervised access to TOP-SECRET assets. A small number of clearances are granted where the risks are managed through follow up work and monitoring. We call this activity "Aftercare". We also process Aftercare for all MOD clearances that are granted normally. Employment Checks In addition to NSV we are responsible for co-ordination of all MOD Employment Assurance Disclosure requests which are needed for people who are being considered for employment with children or vulnerable adults. They also process MOD employment checks in support of the wider Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS) requirements as laid down in the Cabinet Office Personnel Security Standard.

2.2. Andrew Landsley - he is the secretary of state for Health and overall responsible. At the moment there has just been announced a ban to stop advertising all cigarettes in supermarkets to stop them being on show to the public. There is also more speculation that cigarettes could have no advertising on at all and just come in black packaging. Andrew spoke about his views "Smoking remains one of the most significant challenges to public health. Each year it accounts for over 100,000 deaths in the UK and one in two long-term smokers will die prematurely from a smoking disease. “That is why the health ministers across the UK have a responsibility to look closely at initiatives that might encourage smokers to quit and stop young people taking up smoking in the first place.”

2.2.1. Simon Burns - Simon is the minister of health. Simon claims the following will improve the health and social care bill and improve patient care in the NHS. 'Increase competition between hospitals and private health care (Bupa), giving the NHS budget directly to doctors rather than hospitals as they are on the front line, raise the quality of care, more involvement in decision making of your GP, consultant and hospital'.