Wonder - Year 6 (image retrieved from https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71ThG84BTu...

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Wonder - Year 6 (image retrieved from https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71ThG84BTuL.jpg) by Mind Map: Wonder - Year 6 (image retrieved from https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71ThG84BTuL.jpg)


1.1. HASS Skills

1.1.1. Questioning and researching Use ethical protocols when gathering information and/or data (e.g. acknowledge the work of others, reference work appropriately, obtain permission to use photographs and interviews) (WAHASS54) A lesson on copyright and plagiarism is conducted, introducing potential issues related to creating different texts. Prior to creating reading response book, ethical protocols are discussed, and students must identify where referencing is required to ensure that they are not plagiarising. Literacy involved: ethically producing a text

1.1.2. Evaluating Use decision-making processes (e.g. share opinions and personal perspectives, consider different points of view, identify issues, develop possible solutions, plan for action, identify advantages and disadvantages of different options) (WAHASS60) The teacher introduces the 'choose kind' pledge, based on the novel. Students contribute to class discussion regarding how to implement this pledge within peer groups, classroom, and the school at large. In groups of 3, students create a poster with a flow chart describing the possible issues, solutions, plans for action, and advantages and disadvantages of each plan of action. Groups present their poster to the class. Literacy involved: creating informational poster (image retrieved from https://wonderthebook.com/img/site/resources/choose_kind_tumblr.png)

1.1.3. Communicating and reflecting Develop a variety of texts, including narratives, descriptions, biographies and persuasive texts, based on information collected from source materials (WAHASS62) Students view 'Just Like You: Facial Anomalies' Documentary and compare and contrast the messages and information presented. Students write an informational report on facial anomalies using information gathered from documentary. Literacy involved: writing informational report, using information gathered from secondary source.

2. Health and Physical Education

2.1. Personal, social and community health

2.1.1. Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Skills to establish and manage positive relationships, such as: showing respect and empathy being cooperative actively listening being trustworthy accepting differences (ACPPS055) Students contribute to a class discussion based on the prompt: How do Auggie's classmates show respect/empathy poorly/well? Literacy involved: reading and recording events in a novel, interpreting and answering a question Situations in which emotions can influence decision-making: in peer group with friends with family during sporting or physical activities (ACPPS056) After reading chapter 30 of Wonder, in which Jack Will is overheard teasing August during Halloween, in groups of 3 or 4, students create a brainstorm, addressing the question: 'how is Jack Will influenced by his peers?' Literacy involved: reading and responding in a brainstorm.

2.2. Movement and physical activity

2.2.1. Learning through movement Solutions to movement challenges through the use of basic strategies and tactics (ACPMP068) Incursion from a Paralympian, describing how they have overcome a disability to achieve highly in their chosen activity. Students write a letter after the incursion, describing to the Paralympian what they learned and how they have been inspired. Literacy involved: writing a letter Modification of rules and scoring systems in physical activities to create a more inclusive game and fairer contest (ACPMP069) Students brainstorm and respond to the prompt: Because of his facial anomaly, Auggie has some other difficulties with everyday life, such as his hearing loss. How would you modify an athletics carnival to avoid placing him, or other children with different disabilities at a disadvantage? In groups of 4, students plan and carry out carnival events with modified rules for different disabilities (hearing loss, poor vision, low muscle tone etc). Literacy involved: writing a brainstorm, recording discussions.

3. The Arts

3.1. Drama

3.1.1. Making Dramatic action (the driving force and forward motion of drama to create dramatic meaning) driven by narrative structure and dramatic tension (ACADRM035) In small groups, children re-write, cast and rehearse a chapter of 'Wonder' as a scene in a stage play. Students present their scenes to the rest of the class/year group in chronological order, retelling the narrative on the stage. Literacy involved: writing a script.

3.1.2. Responding Responses that explain how the elements of drama and production elements are used to communicate meaning in drama, using drama terminology (ACADRR038)

3.2. Media Arts

3.2.1. Making Exploration and experimentation with the codes and conventions of media: -technical (sequencing and editing images to support particular purposes; camera shots (close-up, mid-shot, long shot); -camera angles (low angle, high angle, eye-level)) -symbolic (using costumes and props to represent people as fictional and/or non-fictional characters; manipulating familiar places to create fictional settings; -manipulating natural light to enhance a shot; using body language to create meaning) -audio (loudness and softness; music to convey a mood; sound effects) -written (selecting text to strengthen a viewpoint and engage an audience) when producing media work (ACAMAM063) Create a book trailer for Wonder, using quotes from the book to write the script, and codes and conventions of media to convey themes and messages from the novel. Literacy involved: interpreting themes in the novel, using quotes and characters to create a new text.

3.3. Visual Arts

3.3.1. Making Application of visual art elements and selection of materials, media and/or technologies, to communicate an idea, belief or viewpoint (ACAVAM115) Students create a mask, responding to the prompt: what masks do the various characters in Wonder wear? Via, Auggie’s sister, feels compelled to be kind and patient at all times, but often she is quite frustrated. Ask the students to create a mask that reflects their hobbies, interests, favourite foods, music, or books. They should focus on bringing out the characteristics that define them which may not be obvious at first glance. Literacy involved: reading and analysing characters in a text. (Lesson idea retrieved from https://wonderthebook.com/assets/downloadables/Wonder_EduKit14_Poster_WEB.PDF)

4. Science

4.1. Science Understanding

4.1.1. Physical Sciences Electrical energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits and can be generated from a range of sources (ACSSU097) After reading chapter 82 of Wonder, students explore different sources of electrical energy, including potatoes! Students identify the elements required in an efficient conductive circuit, through trial and error with batteries, wires, and lamps. Literacy involved: reading and applying events in the text.

4.2. Science Inquiry skills

4.2.1. Planning and Conducting Identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks (ACSIS103) Students are required to identify and plan the elements required in an experiment based on the 'spud lamp' experiment that August and Jack Will create in chapter 82. Literacy involved: reading and applying events in the text. (image retrieved from http://www.spoolmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/potato-powered-light-bulb-new-6-second-science-ultimate-pilation-of-vine-videos-of-potato-powered-light-bulb.jpg) Decide variables to be changed and measured in fair tests, and observe measure and record data with accuracy using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS104) Throughout the spud lamp experiment, students identify the variables involved, and record the results of each test in a graph form, using iPad app 'graphing for kids'. Literacy involved: interpreting text and representing it in a new way

4.2.2. Processing and analysing data and information Construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS107)

4.2.3. Evaluating Reflect on and suggest improvements to scientific investigations (ACSIS108) After the completion of the spud lamp experiment, students write a 'lab report', communicating the method and elements of the experiment, and discussing potential improvements to the investigation. Literacy involved: writing a lab report.

5. Technologies

5.1. Digital Technologies

5.1.1. Manage the creation and communication of information, including online collaborative projects, using agreed social, ethical and technical protocols (ACTDIP022) Students create individual reading response books using BookCreator on iPad for use during study of Wonder. Each activity in the unit of study is recorded in this book (either in text or image format). Students present their books to fellow students and parents at school open-night at the end of term. Response books include appropriate referencing to online resources, introduced and explored in introductory lesson. Literacy involved: creating a text using gathered information from multiple sources. (image retrieved from https://thetechrabbi.wordpress.com/tag/book-creator/)

6. English

6.1. Language

6.1.1. Language for Interaction Understand the uses of objective and subjective language and bias (ACELA1517) Students create character profiles for each of the narrators (other than August) in Wonder. Those who have made profiles for the same narrator then work together to locate language within their narration that indicates particular opinions or biases. In this section of the activity, students who are proficient in the ‘scanning’ strategy are paired with those who are not yet proficient. Groups present their findings to the rest of the class, followed by a class discussion on why the language used by each narrator is so different.

6.1.2. Text structure and organisation Understand how authors often innovate on text structures and play with language features to achieve particular aesthetic, humorous and persuasive purposes and effects (ACELA1518) Students locate the quotes at the beginning of each part of the novel, as well as in-text diagrams and illustrations included throughout. Each of these is photocopied and annotated in response to the prompt: “what does this add to the chapter?” Students then come up with additional quotes, diagrams, illustrations, or changes to text structure. These are presented to small groups with justification as to how their ideas could add to the effects of the novel.

6.1.3. Expressing and developing ideas Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion (ACELA1525) While reading Part Eight of Wonder, students are instructed to look out for and pull out particularly emotive language. An example list of emotive words (created by the class in a previous reading lesson) is visible during the reading lesson, to assist those who are struggling. In groups, students then find synonyms for these words, and evaluate how substituting these words could affect the meaning of the text, or the readers’ response. Words are added to the class ‘word-wall’ vocabulary list.

6.2. Literacy

6.2.1. Texts in context Compare texts including media texts that represent ideas and events in different ways, explaining the effects of the different approaches (ACELY1708) Students complete a compare and contrast table after completing the book and watching the film. How is the audience's impression of August and other characters influenced in each telling of the story? Students watch the 25 minute documentary ‘Just Like You: Facial Anomalies’, directed by Jennifer Greenstreet. During the second viewing, students make note of new information about Facial Anomalies presented in the documentary. In the third viewing, students complete a ‘character profile’ for one of the children included in the documentary. Students create a compare and contrast (First Steps Reading Map of Development, p270) table using information gathered from the documentary and the novel

6.2.2. Interacting with others Participate in and contribute to discussions, clarifying and interrogating ideas, developing and supporting arguments, sharing and evaluating information, experiences and opinions (ACELY1709) Contribute to a class blog page, communicating personal responses to each section of Wonder - at the completion of each reading lesson, students are instructed to write a response to the prompt 'chapters 1-3 made me wonder...' In a shared reading lesson, teacher reads the complementary picture book We’re All Wonders by R. J. Palacio to the class. In class discussion, students complete a compare and contrast table (First Steps Reading Map of Development, p270) for the novel and picture book, and answer discussion questions: Why do you think R. J. Palacio wrote We’re All Wonders? Why do you think she used different language in the picture book compared to the novel? In the following lesson, students read We’re All Wonders to their Year 1 buddy student and prepare discussion questions, making note of their buddy’s responses. 1. Showing their buddy the cover of the book, ask “what do you think this book is about?” 2. Read through the book all the way through 3. Ask discussion questions, and document answers 4. After the buddy session, year 6 students present their buddy’s responses to discussion questions in ‘circle time’ discussion.

6.2.3. Interpreting, analysing and evaluating Analyse strategies authors use to influence readers (ACELY1801) Students create a story graph to track the plot of Wonder, indicating moments of plot tension, resolution and character development. Arrange students to work in small groups to read and discuss the text. 2. Have them list eight to ten crucial points, sequencing the points chronologically. Invite them to reach consensus on the single most crucial point; this should be rated with the highest positive or negative score. Direct students to allocate a number from 0 to 5 for each event according to the impact it had on the outcome: +5 = most positive impact, 0 = no impact, – 5 = most negative impact. Have them represent their group ratings on a line graph. Invite groups to share and discuss the patterns revealed.(eg. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-GLcHdnWO87c/U6N23kjTVTI/AAAAAAAAATs/8ZXjEJHL1Ss/s1600/Narrative+story+graph.JPG)

6.2.4. Creating texts Create literary texts that adapt or combine aspects of texts students have experienced in innovative ways (ACELT1618) At the end of the class study of Wonder, students write an alternate ending to the book. Experiment with text structures and language features and their effects in creating literary texts, for example, using imagery, sentence variation, metaphor and word choice (ACELT1800) Students rewrite a chosen chapter of Wonder from the point of view of another character in the story. Students use different language and a different point of view to describe the same event, experimenting with text structures and language features. Re-read and edit students’ own and others’ work using agreed criteria and explaining editing choices (ACELY1715) At the completion of the novel study, students will have re-written a chapter of the novel from the point of view of a different character, and written an alternate ending (First Steps Reading Map of Development p223, 263). After the initial draft has been completed, students edit their own work, looking for grammatical, syntactic, and spelling errors, points where plot moves slowly, and plot holes Once changes have been made to the first draft, students then swap their work with a partner, and suggest edits using the same criteria. Students are instructed to give justification for their edits, and to give only constructive criticism.

6.3. Literature

6.3.1. Literature and context Make connections between students' own experiences and those of characters and events represented in texts drawn from different historical, social and cultural contexts (ACELT1613) Students complete a ‘Just Like’ table (First Steps Reading Resource Book, p142), noting similarities between August and themselves , somebody else they know , and a character from another story. Students create a silhouette of their own head (in the style of the Wonder cover art) in which they write a ‘blurb’ of their own story, including point of similarity with August. A similar artwork is created for somebody else they know, and for a character in another story. (image from https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/48835977182339213/)

6.3.2. Responding to literature Analyse and evaluate similarities and differences in texts on similar topics, themes or plots (ACELT1614) Teacher does a guided deconstruction (First Steps Reading Map of Development, p279) of the Natalie Merchant poem, ‘Wonder’, which is quoted at the beginning of Palacio’s novel. Deconstruction includes the identification of language that invokes reader’s sympathy or antipathy, poet’s viewpoint and values , devices used to communicate meaning. This activity is completely teacher-led, as the teacher models and facilitates a class reading and analysis of the poem. Students who get the hang of analysis quickly are encouraged to do additional individual analysis.

7. Mathematics

7.1. Measurement and Geometry

7.1.1. Construct simple prisms and pyramids (ACMMG140) Students create a 'blooms ball' displaying character profiles, settings, language devices, favourite passages, quotes etc. Students plan the number of sides needed to complete the ball, draw a 3D diagram of the ball, and construct drafts prior to constructing the final product. Literacy involved: gathering information from text, writing character profiles, interpreting text (image retrieved from https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Wonder-Blooms-Ball-3310700)

7.2. Statistics and Probability

7.2.1. Interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables (ACMSP147) After completing a story graph in small groups, students interpret the data presented in these graphs and compare it with their own. They then consolidate the graphs of 3 different groups and discuss why there is a difference in the data. Literacy involved: interpreting data, writing discussion