RHBC Friend Day - May 3, 2009

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RHBC Friend Day - May 3, 2009 por Mind Map: RHBC Friend Day - May 3, 2009

1. Work Day

1.1. Saturday, May 2nd

1.2. Time____________

2. Promotion

2.1. Personal Invites

2.2. Church Sign

2.3. When to Start _________

3. Sermon

3.1. Gospel

3.2. Preacher

4. Food

4.1. Tents

4.2. Tables & Chairs

4.3. Cookers

4.4. Cooks

4.5. Serving Lines

4.6. Menu

4.6.1. Marinated Chicken

4.6.2. _______________

4.6.3. _______________

4.6.4. _______________

4.6.5. Rolls

4.6.6. Dessert

4.6.7. Beverages

4.7. Meal Supplies

4.7.1. Paper Goods

4.7.2. Utensils

4.7.3. Sauces

4.7.4. ________

4.7.5. ________

4.7.6. Ice

4.7.7. Salt & Pepper

4.7.8. Trash Cans

5. Special Music

5.1. AM - Choir

5.2. Afternoon Group?

6. Purpose

6.1. Glorify God

6.2. Evangelism

6.3. Introduce RHBC to People

6.4. Introduce Various Ministries

6.5. Show Love of Jesus to Community

6.6. Open Church Members Eyes

7. Crowd Control

7.1. Parking

7.2. SS Classes

7.3. Overflow in Fellowship Hall?

7.4. Nursery

7.5. Children's Church

8. Ministry Tables & Booths?

8.1. Youth

8.2. WOM

8.3. Other

9. Decorations

9.1. 4 Banners

9.2. Other Ideas?

10. Follow Up

10.1. Registration Cards!

10.2. Post Cards

10.3. Visitation Later

10.4. Only Guests this year

11. Prayer

11.1. Most Important

11.2. Personal Prayer

11.3. *Saturday Prayer Vigil

11.4. *Sign Up Sheets

11.5. Sunday School Classes

11.6. Other Ideas??