Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability by Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. When a test is valid, its testing items will be directly related to the tests' objective(s).

2. Types of Validity

2.1. Concurrent Criterion-related Validity Evidence

2.1.1. Measures that can be administered at the same time as the measure being validated. In order to assess this type of validity it's best to comparing the test with an established or well-known measure.

2.2. Predictive Validity Edidence

2.2.1. This particular type of validity refers to how well the test is able to predict some future behavior. Very strong measure of statistical outcomes. Most commonly used for educational testing purposes.

2.3. Construct Validity Evidence

2.3.1. This particular type of evidence measures how well information corresponds or match up with come theory. New node

3. Validity tells us whether or not the test measures what it is supposed to measure.

4. Crucial factors for determining evidence.

5. When a test is reliable, it will more than likely yield the same results(from the same person) each time it is administered.

6. Types of Reliability

6.1. Test-Retest Estimates of reliability

6.1.1. This type of reliability refers to the method of administering the same test twice to the same group of people.

6.2. Alternate Form Estimates of Reliability

6.2.1. This method refers to administering two alternate forms of tests to the same group.

6.3. Internal Consistency Estimates of Reliability

6.3.1. Split Half Method Splitting the test into two equal halfs and determining the the correlation between both

6.3.2. Kuder-Richardson Method Determines how well 1 test measures 1 concept.

7. Reliability tells us if the test scores remain consistent and produces the same reliable results.