Three Little Pigs

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Three Little Pigs by Mind Map: Three Little Pigs

1. Setting

1.1. The house made of straw

1.2. The house made of sticks

1.3. The house made of bricks

1.4. Lets Practice finding the setting in other stories!

2. Notes

2.1. 4 Steps to Successful Stories

3. Characters

3.1. Three little pigs

3.2. The Wolf

4. Major Events

4.1. The pigs built their houses

4.2. The wolf blew down the house made of straw.

4.3. The wolf blew down the house made of sticks.

4.4. The wolf could not blow down the house made of bricks.

4.5. The wolf climbed into the chimney and fell into a boiling pot of water.