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Expedia testing by Mind Map: Expedia testing

1. Features

1.1. Core features

1.2. Supporting features

1.3. Similar to other websites

2. Usecase

2.1. Soap opera testing

3. Users

3.1. Hurried

3.2. Slow

3.3. Confused

3.4. Businessman

3.5. First timer

3.6. Registered

3.7. Hacker

4. Branding

4.1. Expedia

4.2. Other companies

5. Browsers

5.1. IE

5.2. FF

5.3. Chrome

5.4. Safari

5.5. Mobile version

6. Graphics

6.1. Rendering

6.2. Slow to load

6.3. Slows website?

7. Ads

7.1. Click revenue?

7.2. Payment

8. Purpose

8.1. Solved?

8.2. Satisfied?

9. Data Validation

9.1. Field validation

9.2. Business logic

10. Usability

10.1. Do I see what I need

10.2. Easy to complete a scenario without any confusion