Software Development Project Plan Template
by Stakeholder Map
1. 1. Concept development
1.1. 1.1 Draft concept
1.2. Copywriting briefs
1.3. KPIs approved
1.4. Keyword research
1.5. 1.5 Executive summary
2. 2. Planning
2.1. 2.1 Draft Business Case
2.2. 2.2 Resource Planning
2.3. New page template
2.4. Image compression
2.4.1. Review 3rd party JS
2.4.2. Risk register
2.5. 2.5 ROM estimates
2.5.1. Project timeline
2.5.2. Set project budget
2.6. 2.6 Methodology sign-off
2.7. 2.7 Project Management Plan
2.8. 2.8 Planning phase completed
3. 3. Requirements analysis
3.1. 3.1 Draft Requirements Document
3.2. 3.2 Requirements review
3.3. 3.3 Requirements sign-off
3.4. 3.4 Security planning
3.5. 3.5 Requirements analysis complete
4. 4. Design
4.1. 4.1 Design workshops
4.2. 4.2 Draft design documents
4.3. 4.3 Proof of concept
4.4. 4.4 Design review
4.5. 4.5 Technical specifications
4.6. 4.6 Draft Test Cases
4.7. 4.7 Design phase completed
5. 5. Development
5.1. 5.1 Kick-off meeting
5.2. 5.2 Resources confirmed
5.3. 5.3 Development
5.4. 5.4 Documentation
5.5. 5.5 Training Plan
5.6. 5.6 Test Cases updated
5.7. 5.7 Deployment planning
5.8. 5.8 Development phase completed
6. Reporting and Measurement
6.1. Review posts from copywriters
6.2. Risk management
6.3. Budget control
7. 6. Test
7.1. 6.1 Test Cases signed-off
7.2. 6.2 Testing kick-off
7.2.1. 6.2.1 Demo modules to test teams
7.2.2. 6.2.2 Testing kick-off call
7.2.3. 6.2.3. Test accounts created