Effects of Web 2.0 to learner's attitude

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Effects of Web 2.0 to learner's attitude por Mind Map: Effects of Web 2.0 to learner's attitude

1. learning behavior

1.1. formal

1.1.1. share knowledge

1.1.2. receive knowledge

1.1.3. contribute knowledge

1.2. informal

1.2.1. sharing

1.2.2. contributing

1.2.3. receiving

2. technology development

2.1. learning and communicating style changes

2.1.1. computer forum,bbs,discussion learning software online classroom

2.1.2. mobile phone

2.1.3. ipod

2.1.4. PDA

3. expectation,future of Web 2.0

4. learners(young adult)

4.1. Chineses

4.1.1. male

4.1.2. female

4.2. foreigners

4.2.1. male

4.2.2. female

5. attitude

5.1. positive

5.1.1. life will be more convenient by using Web 2.0

5.1.2. democracy

5.1.3. information freedom

5.2. negative

5.2.1. waste time; no privacy anymore;

5.3. neutral

5.3.1. don't care about the changes,just accept what they should accept

6. web 2.0 using style

6.1. voluntary

6.1.1. contact with friends

6.1.2. show themselves,active creator

6.1.3. for fun, just to be a watcher

6.1.4. personal improvement,learning online

6.2. compulsory

6.2.1. in need of career

6.2.2. belong to some communities,have to use web 2.0

6.2.3. students