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Serendipity создатель Mind Map: Serendipity

1. Innovation

1.1. Invention

1.1.1. Viagra

1.1.2. LSD

1.1.3. False anecotes Penicillin

1.2. IP

1.3. Research

1.4. Science

2. Places

2.1. Cities

2.1.1. Fuel Crisis

2.1.2. Architecture

2.1.3. Urban Planning

2.1.4. Regeneration

2.2. Workspaces

2.2.1. Coworking

2.2.2. Starbucks

2.2.3. Formal workspaces

2.2.4. Open plan

2.2.5. Design

2.3. Cafes

2.3.1. Serendipity Cafe

3. What is it?

3.1. Luck

3.1.1. How is it different ot 'luck'

3.2. Origins

3.2.1. Sri Lanka

3.2.2. Three Princes of Serendip

3.3. Opposites

3.3.1. Silos

3.3.2. The Bubble

3.3.3. Stricy planning

3.4. Questions

3.4.1. Is incidence of serendipity inversely proportional to level of filtering?

3.4.2. What is the opposite of serendipity? Predicatability?

3.5. Mistakes

3.6. Research

3.6.1. Literature review Minimal numbers of books

4. Philosophy & Theology

4.1. East/west religions

5. Media

5.1. News

5.2. TV

5.2.1. Channel surfing

5.3. Radio

5.4. Bootlegging

5.5. Web

5.5.1. Recommendation

5.6. Zines

5.7. Choose your filter

6. Environmental factors


6.2. Transport reducing

6.2.1. Net slow of serendipity?

7. The Individual

7.1. Psychology

7.1.1. Habits 7 habits of success

7.1.2. Behaviours Are some people more serendipitous than others?

7.1.3. Left/Right brain

7.2. Creativity

7.3. Careers

7.4. Serendipitous jobs

7.5. Filters

7.6. Leadership

7.6.1. New modes

7.6.2. Is this new?

7.6.3. What qualities?

7.6.4. Enabling serendipity

7.7. Management

7.7.1. Budgeting

7.8. Networking

8. The Group

8.1. Network

8.2. Knowledge Management

8.3. Collaboration

8.4. Six Degrees

8.5. Connectors

8.6. Social Networking

9. New technologies

9.1. Artificial Intelligence

9.1.1. Aiding decision making

9.1.2. Assisted learning

9.1.3. Graphing

9.1.4. Machine learning incorporating serendipity

9.1.5. Visual processing

9.2. Web 2.0

9.2.1. Wikis

9.2.2. Taxonomy vs Folksonomy New node

9.2.3. Findability

10. Can it be measured?

10.1. Quantum of serendipity

10.1.1. Measurement is the antithesis

10.1.2. Should it be measured?

10.2. Individual effectiveness

10.3. Ideas

10.4. Business cards

11. The book

11.1. Illustrations

11.1.1. Jan Pienkowski