Can prejudice ever be eliminated?

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Can prejudice ever be eliminated? por Mind Map: Can prejudice ever be eliminated?

1. Eliminated

1.1. Abolished

1.2. Completely removed

1.3. Displaced

2. Causes

2.1. Ignorance

2.2. Misled by fallacious information

2.2.1. Media

3. It has been been extremely effective in the past, and such implementations should be continued

3.1. Women were given voting rights (Women's Suffrage)

3.2. Equal pay for men & women (Equal Pay Act)

4. Terminology

4.1. Prejudice

4.1.1. Definition Preconceived opinion not based on reason or experience. Biased view of people of a different culture, race etc.

4.1.2. General Scope Racism Classism A biased attitude towards people belonging to a different social and/or economic class Towards physical disabilities/attributes Outward Appearances Deformities Sexual Discrimination Gays! Lesbians! Bisexuals! Ageism Stereotyping and discriminating against Sexism Workplace: Males often draw a higher salary than their female counterparts Other Individuals Marriages: Males play a more dominant role; Societal perception as the sole breadwinner of the family Religious Discrimination A biased attitude towards individuals or a group belonging to a religious group. The Handicapped Ableism A form of discrimination or social prejudice against people with disabilities

5. No, prejudice will never be eliminated.

5.1. It is ingrained in minds of humans since young.

5.1.1. Prejudice may be learned; it is through (mainly unconscious) learning that a child acquires and incorporates the prejudices prevalent in his society.

5.2. It is deeply rooted in human nature.

5.2.1. Humans have a want to be superior than others.

5.2.2. A German social psychologist, Hofstatter, has suggested (1954) that one must accept the fact that prejudice against members of other groups represents a “normal” phenomenon of human social life and that no one is free from this attitude

5.3. Society's prejudice against a specific group of people will cause individuals to subscribe to the same prejudice. (The Herd Mentality)

5.3.1. Our history, society and the media shapes the way we think and they way we treat others.

5.3.2. Thus, in order to "fit in", we subscribe to it and start forming our own opinions on others, based on what we hear from our families, friends and society.

5.4. Lack of interaction between different racial, cultural or religious groups will result in prejudice.

5.4.1. This could be due to a history of mistrust or an ongoing conflict, thus one party chooses not to understand the other party and hence, lack of interaction.

5.4.2. eg. After the 9/11 event, many Americans were prejudiced against Muslims. They viewed that Islams promoted terrorism.

6. Yes, prejudice can one day be eliminated.

6.1. This can be done through education.

6.2. How?

6.2.1. Must be willing to be open to multiple point of views

6.2.2. Change in Attitude: Be less self-righteous (ie believing that whatever they say and do is always right)

6.3. This requires a bottom- up approach, where this process of educating the society begins with the young.

6.3.1. Schools It can be achieved with the right approach. Eg. A Class Divided - Jane Elliot taught her students a lesson on prejudice and discrimination.

6.3.2. Family Context: In Singapore, the State of The Family Report found that males and female parents spent 2.4 and 5.5 hours on average with their children Noticeably, parents spend a significant amount of time with their children. As such, they too should take the responsibility to cultivate the right values & mindsets in their children How?

6.4. The individual also plays a significant role in correcting their fallacious mindsets

6.4.1. They need to be convinced that their views are mistaken

6.4.2. Seek a moral compass Eg Religion as a moral compass

6.5. The government can also play a role in eliminating prejudice

6.5.1. The government can help to close the income gap. In turn, this would help reduce the condescending attitude that the general public have towards the poor. Can be achieved through the implementation of relevant policies Eg : In Singapore, Professor Lim Chong Yah proposed for a wage reform in 2012; Prof Lim had proposed that those earning below S$1,500 a month have their pay increased by 50 per cent over three years, while wages of those earning S$15,000 or more should be frozen.

6.5.2. Mandatory changes in the law to force people to conform to certain conventions

7. Note: Prejudice is not discrimination! Prejudice has to do with the inflexible and irrational attitudes and opinions held by members of one group about another, while discrimination refers to behaviors directed against another group.

8. Notions of prejudice

8.1. Prejudice has much the same meaning as bias. It is not just an emotion or feeling, a habit or personality trait. It is more an attitude that has been influenced by family, friends, church groups, and first-hand experiences

8.2. Humans are not born prejudiced, yet they often cultivate one form of it or another at a very early age

8.3. As the person grows older, the prejudice often becomes a well-established part of his inner psychological self. It becomes an inflexible generalization about others that is difficult to change once established