The Farming System

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The Farming System by Mind Map: The Farming System

1. Subsistence Farming

1.1. OUTPUTS: - Crops - Meat products

1.1.1. EXAMPLES: - One / two cows for one family - A small field of crops for one family

1.1.2. PROCESSES: - Ploughing - Sowing - Irrigation - Weeding - Harvesting INPUTS: - Seeds - Fertilisers - Machinery ( Tools ) - Water - Food

1.2. DEFINITION - Where there is just sufficient food produced yo provide for the farmer's own family

2. Mixed Farming

2.1. INPUTS: - Seeds - Fertilisers - Machinery - Water - Food

2.1.1. DEFINITION - Involves a combination of arable and pastoral farming

2.1.2. PROCESSES: - Ploughing - Sowing - Irrigation - Weeding - Harvesting OUTPUTS: - Crops - Dairy - Poultry products EXAMPLES: - Cows and wheat on the same farm - Sheep and various different crops on the same farm

3. Extensive Farming

3.1. DEFINITION - Where the size of a farm is very large in comparison to the inputs of money, labour ect. needed

3.2. INPUTS: - Natural fertility of the soil - Terrain - Climate - Water

3.2.1. EXAMPLES: - Raising cattle in areas with low agricultural productivity - Cooking oils and other grain crops in areas like Murray-Darling Basin in Australia.

3.3. OUTPUTS: - Crop yield depends on the listed inputs - Healthy Animals

3.4. PROCESSES: - Very small amount of labour being required

4. Arable Farming

4.1. DEFINITION - Involves the growing of crops

4.2. INPUTS: - Seeds - Fertilisers - Large amounts of labour

4.2.1. PROCESSES: - Ploughing - Sowing - Irrigating - Weeding - Harvesting

4.3. OUTPUTS: - Large amounts of crops

4.3.1. EXAMPLES: - Growing crops like wheat and barley

5. Pastoral Farming

5.1. DEFINITION - Involves the rearing of livestock

5.2. INPUTS: - Water - Food - Land

5.2.1. PROCESSES: - Feeding - General looking after the animals - Ensure there are no illnesses - Breeding - Taking them away for slaughter

5.3. OUTPUTS: - Meat - Poultry products - Dairy

5.3.1. EXAMPLES: - Raising animals like cows, sheep or pigs

6. Commercial Farming

6.1. INPUTS: - Seeds - Fertilisers - Machinery - Water - Food

6.1.1. EXAMPLES: - Wheat farms - Rice Farms - Maize Farms DEFINITION - The growing of crops / rearing of livestock to make a profit. Common in most countries

6.2. OUTPUTS: - Crops - Dairy - Poultry Products

6.2.1. PROCESSES: - Ploughing - Sowing - Irrigation - Weeding - Harvesting

7. Intensive Farming

7.1. INPUTS: - Food - Water - Reduced land - Less labour - Fertilisers - Pesticides

7.1.1. DEFINITION - Where the farm size is small in comparison with the large amount of labour, and inputs of capital, fertilisers ect. which are required

7.2. OUTPUTS: - High crop yields - High meat production - Large egg production

7.3. PROCESSES: - Ploughing - Sowing - Feeding - Irrigating - Harvesting

7.3.1. EXAMPLES: - Producing high-yield crops - Using fertilisers pesticides - Keeping large amounts of animals indoors in a small area