Guernica - Pablo Piccaso

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Guernica - Pablo Piccaso by Mind Map: Guernica - Pablo Piccaso

1. Interpret

2. Relevance

3. Analyse

3.1. Elements of design

3.1.1. Lines: This paint have very defined lines, because of it´s style.

3.1.2. This paint is made in a scale from dark brown to white, that for me it represents sadness and blood, so it have to do with the story.

3.1.3. It has very defined geometric shapes in a part of the paint, like showing one of Picasso's main style, cubism.

3.1.4. This artwork has a flat texture

3.2. Principles

3.2.1. I think the focal point of this artwork is where are some big white triangles, because the color is lighter than the rest of the paint.

3.2.2. I think this paint is well belanced, because it balance white and dark colour, in this case brown, using also some colors is a scale from brown to white.

3.2.3. In my opinion this artwork have a good contrast between elements, because it mix geometrical shapes with abstract froms, and dark with light colors.

3.2.4. I don't find any kind of an especific pattern on this paint.

3.3. This artwork is painted in the grisaille technique, a method using a neutral monochrome palette.

3.4. Picasso said very little about the painting’s meaning, leaving interpretation to viewers, critics, and art historians.

4. Describe

4.1. It's a painting

4.2. It's a horizontal paint

4.3. It's an oil paint on a canvas

4.4. The style of this paint is cubism

4.5. This artwork represents the attrocities perpetrated by Germans in the small town of Guernica, Spain.

4.6. This is from the culture of Modern Europe.