iLearn Implementation

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iLearn Implementation by Mind Map: iLearn Implementation

1. Team

1.1. build capacity

1.2. turn key information

2. Budget

3. New node

4. content

4.1. Vendor

4.1.1. user friendly

5. Plan

5.1. select student

5.1.1. Goal 1

5.1.2. Goal 2

5.2. classroom management

5.2.1. Session Rule 1

5.2.2. Session Rule 2

5.3. monitoring progress

5.4. cross-school collaboration

5.5. Prioritize Ideas

5.6. Define Action Points

6. Challenges

6.1. Build Internal Capacity

6.2. teacher resistance

7. Blended Learning Model

7.1. Rotation

7.2. Flex

7.3. Self-Blend

7.4. New node

8. Tech Support