Learning Theories

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Learning Theories by Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. Cognitivism

1.1. Cognitists

1.1.1. Jean Piaget

1.2. Theories

1.2.1. Dual Coding Theory

1.2.2. Subsumption Theory

1.2.3. Cognitive Dissonance Theory

1.2.4. Social Learning Theory

1.2.5. Vygotsky Social development theory

1.2.6. Information Processing Theory

1.2.7. Gestalt Theory Information Pickup Theory

1.2.8. Neuroscience

1.2.9. Brain-based Learning Orchestrated Immersion Relaxed Alertness Active Processing

1.2.10. Right Brain vs. Left Brain

2. Behaviorism

2.1. Behaviorists

2.1.1. Skinner Operant Conditioning Mechanisms Behavioral Shaping Reinforcement Schedules

2.1.2. Watson

2.1.3. Pavlov

2.1.4. Albert Bandura

2.2. Theories

2.2.1. Social Learning Theory

2.2.2. Control Theory

2.2.3. Classical Conditioning

2.2.4. Drive Reduction Theory

2.2.5. Operant Conditioning

2.2.6. Observational Learning

2.2.7. Communities of practice

2.2.8. Learning Styles Theory

3. Constructivism

3.1. Constructivists

3.1.1. Bruner

3.1.2. Jean Piaget

3.2. Theories

3.2.1. Constructivist Theory

3.2.2. Vygotsky Social development theory

3.2.3. Learning Style(individual expericence)

4. Miscellaneous

4.1. Postmodernism

4.2. Gardner Multiple Intelligences

5. Sociology

5.1. Multiple Intelligences

5.2. Observational Learning(social learning theory)

5.3. Control Theory

5.4. Communities of Practice

5.5. Constructivism

6. Psychology

6.1. Cognitivism

6.1.1. Vygotsky and social cognition

6.2. Learning style

6.3. Cognitive Dissonance

7. Neurology

7.1. Right Brain vs. Left Brain

7.2. Neuroscience

7.3. Brain-Based Learning

7.3.1. Multiple Intelligences