What is technology?

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What is technology? by Mind Map: What is technology?

1. How I think before

1.1. Electricity device

1.1.1. Led Lights

1.2. Social Media

1.2.1. Snapchat

1.2.2. Instagram

1.2.3. TikTok

1.2.4. Facebook

1.3. Smart device

1.3.1. Apple Iphone

1.3.2. Tablets

1.3.3. Ipad

1.3.4. Laptops

1.4. Machine

1.4.1. Sewing machine

1.4.2. Automatic working machines

1.4.3. Password code door

1.5. Wireless device

1.5.1. Airpods

1.5.2. Bluetooth speakers

1.5.3. Google Home

1.5.4. Wireless mouses

2. Reference

2.1. RedAlkemi Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2020, from Pros and Cons of Technology! - RedAlkemi

2.2. Allen, M. (2019, October 28). Technological Influence on Society. Retrieved September 27, 2020, from Technological Influence on Society | BCTV

2.3. Hecht, J. (2018, November 30). How Technology Is Driving Change In Almost Every Major Industry. Retrieved September 26, 2020, from How Technology Is Driving Change In Almost Every Major Industry

2.4. Guevarra, P. (2019, September 24). Then and Now: How Technology Has Changed Our Lives. Retrieved September 26, 2020, from Then and Now: How Technology Has Changed Our Lives | The Campus Crop

2.5. Technology in Our Life Today and How It Has Changed: Updated for 2020. (2019, November 12). Retrieved September 26, 2020, from Technology in Our Life Today and How It Has Changed | Updated for 2020 | AgingInPlace.org

3. My Conclusion

3.1. Technology is definitely something the smartest invention that people made but it slowly

3.2. Technology is yet importance and helpful but people need to not rely on it so much

3.3. Technology is a double-edged sword

3.3.1. Sometimes the brain of human is always better

4. How I think after

4.1. Technology is not just a machine and electronic devices

4.1.1. The definition of technology according to The Merriam Webster Dictionary is “the practical application of knowledge”

4.2. According to Aging in Place, 2019 : Digital technology has changed what people term as “media.” The influence of new technology on media is apparent since a media company isn’t necessarily a news platform anymore. A media company is now any company that helps pass information across the globe, including social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

4.3. According to Aging in Place, 2019: Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and daily lives. Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at our fingertips.

4.3.1. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun.

4.4. The impact of technology in our life

4.4.1. most of things nowadays use techonology to be done

4.4.2. importance in everyday life make everyday tasks faster and easier to complete with the help of technology

5. The pros and cons of technology in life

5.1. Pros

5.1.1. Better communication Better understanding people around the world Have translation, language differnet is not a big problem anymore Connect globally with people Before technology was invented, people have to write letter by hand to send if you want to communicate outside the world but now you can easily do that by sending email

5.1.2. Improve efficiency For any tasks or activities use hand and can replace with technology

5.1.3. Save times Hand work is faster and more accurate if replace with technology

5.1.4. Help keep memmories Pictures Videos

5.1.5. Improve health care Many technology created for health care reason that has been extremely useful compared to when technology was not growing as it is now

5.1.6. Transportation "Before there were car and motorcycles around the street, people used to use horses buggies, ships... "(Guevarra, 2019) "It also unsafe to travel back then, people could die trying to get from point A to B" (Guevarra, 2019)

5.1.7. Easier to pay bills and transfer money By bank E-Transfer Automatic charges for bills to prevent late penalty

5.2. Cons

5.2.1. Expensive To create a modern technology can cost lots of money Not everyone can afford it Apple device way too overprice

5.2.2. Shortage of job Technology may replace human completely in the future Tasks that human do can achieve easily by techonology

5.2.3. Extreme dependability Depending on too much technology can impair the quality of life Teenagers use too much social media these day Not communicate in real life Mental Health increase because of cyberbullying

5.2.4. "Affects people in a negative way when it comes to being sociable and making face-to-face contact" (Allen, 2019). "Mobile technology can decrease communication and relations between people" (Allen, 2019). "Distracting from your schoolwork"(Allen, 2019)