The Foundation for Educating Students with Special Needs

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The Foundation for Educating Students with Special Needs by Mind Map: The Foundation for Educating Students with Special Needs

1. Education of All Handicapped Children Act (EHCA)- 1975

1.1. EHCA

1.2. IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

1.3. Describes categories of disabilities that make students eligible to receive special education and specifies the related services and supplementary aids and services to which students might be entitled

2. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

2.1. Has been revised many times to increase the range of services students must receive

2.2. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

2.2.1. Students with disabilities and entitled to attend public schools and receive services designed to address their educational needs- at no cost

2.3. Least Restrictive environment (LRE)

2.3.1. The education setting must be most like that of the education setting of those without disabilities

2.3.2. should not be separated from other students except it be the only option for them to be appropriately educated

2.4. Individual Education Program (IEP)

2.4.1. roadmap for educating students with disabilities (made for each individual child by professionals and parents)

2.5. Nondiscrimatory Education

2.5.1. Students will be assessed with instruments that do not discriminate on race or culture or disabilities

2.6. Due Process

2.6.1. issues must be resolved at a hearing with a set of procedures in order to dissolve dispute

2.7. Zero Reject/ FInd Child

2.7.1. No child can be excluded from a public education because of a disability

3. Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation ACT of 1973

3.1. prevents discriminationagainst all indivudals with disabilities

3.2. some students may receive specific types of assistance to help them in school

4. Never Neglect children- form of abuse

5. Special Education

5.1. Specially designed instruction

5.1.1. Tailored to meet the needs of students with disabilities

5.1.2. Studnets are monitored closely

5.1.3. Addresses students behavioral challenges, communication skills, social interaction skills, vocal or functioning skills

5.2. Related Services

5.2.1. assistance beyond academic instruction

5.2.2. speech and language therapy

5.2.3. occupational therapy

5.2.4. physical therapy

5.2.5. adapted physical education

5.3. Supplementary Aids and Services

5.3.1. supports that enable students with disabilities to participate in general education

5.3.2. Accommodations HOW the student learns key curriculum

5.3.3. Modifications WHAT the students learn- curriculum Only those with significant intellectual disabilities require modification

6. Americans with Disabilities Act

6.1. ADA- 1990

6.2. ADAA- 2008

6.3. most significant disability legislation ever passed

6.4. Protects all people with disabilities from discrimination and requires most employers to make reasonable accommodations for them.