The Last Lesson

Plan your life and the next important steps and goals to proceed with a happy life

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The Last Lesson por Mind Map: The Last Lesson

1. Franz

1.1. Franz fears while going to school

1.1.1. Late for school.

1.1.2. Afraid of scolding

1.1.3. Had not learnt lesson on participle

1.2. Franz's Plan

1.2.1. Thought of running away and spending the day outside because the day was bright and warm.

1.2.2. He thought to enjoy birds chirping

1.2.3. Tempted to watch drilling of Prussian soldiers

1.2.4. Overcome temptation and rushed to school

2. Villagers

2.1. A Tribute to Teacher by the villagers gathered in the class room

2.1.1. Repentance for not having attended in the school

2.1.2. To thank the master for 40 years’ service

2.1.3. As a mark, of respect for the country

3. Mr M Hamel

3.1. M. Hamel's addressing to students

3.1.1. M. Hamel demanded full attention

3.1.2. Last lesson of French

3.1.3. German will be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine

3.1.4. Franz felt sorry for ignoring his lesson

3.1.5. Deeply pained at the thought of M. Hamel going away

3.2. Lack of learning : Hamel's view

3.2.1. Parents ignorant; not anxious to have their children learn

3.2.2. Children preferred to be put to work on farms or mills

3.2.3. Also blamed himself for sending children on errands

3.3. M. Hamel teaches his last lesson

3.3.1. Calls the French language the most beautiful language

3.3.2. Gives them their lesson in grammar

3.3.3. Wants to teach them everything in one go

3.3.4. Gives a lesson in writing

3.4. M. Hamel's dedication

3.4.1. Served school for forty year

3.4.2. Nothing had changed

3.4.3. Desks and benches had worn smooth

3.4.4. Walnut trees grow taller, hopvine reached to the roof

3.5. M. Hamel's courage

3.5.1. Delivers his lost lesson in history

3.5.2. Tears roll down from the eyes of listeners

3.5.3. Everyone gets emotional

3.6. M. Hamel spirit of patriotism

3.6.1. Church clock strikes twelve

3.6.2. Trumpets of the Prussian soldiers sound-under the window

3.6.3. M. Hamel writes ° vive la France' to dismiss the last class

3.6.4. Dismissed school by making a gesture with his hand

4. School

4.1. Usual Scene at School

4.1.1. Hustle and bustle

4.1.2. Notes of opening and closing desk

4.1.3. Repetition of lesson in unison

4.1.4. Striking of teachers rule again not the table

4.2. Changes in school noticed by Franz

4.2.1. Everything was silent

4.2.2. M. Hamel was in occasional dress

4.2.3. Classmates were already in their places

4.2.4. Surprising things in classroom

4.2.5. Kindness of M. Hamel

4.2.6. Serious look of the school

4.2.7. Village elderly people sitting on back benches

5. Scene at Town Hall

5.1. Scene at the town hall

5.1.1. Bulletin board a, source of bad news

5.1.2. A crowd an front of Bulletin board

6. Students

6.1. Student's attention

6.1.1. Set to work very quickly

6.1.2. Pin drop silence

6.1.3. Even beetles fail to distract them