how to find a profitable niche for bloggingy

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how to find a profitable niche for bloggingy by Mind Map: how to find a  profitable niche for bloggingy

1. Types of niche

1.1. Broad

1.2. Micro

2. topic you know better than anyone else

2.1. choose a topic you usually read about and love to discuss and you have passion and keen interest in it.

2.1.1. motivation

2.1.2. Fashion

2.1.3. Technology

2.1.4. Finance

2.1.5. Healthcare

2.1.6. Baby care

2.1.7. Scientific Research

2.1.8. photography

2.1.9. Entertainment

2.1.10. sports

2.1.11. Relegion

2.1.12. Relationship

2.1.13. Travel

2.1.14. Finance

3. Important factor while choosing your niche

3.1. Your interest

3.2. Business value

3.3. Trend and future of the topic

3.4. Monthly and yearly searches