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Islam by Mind Map: Islam

1. the beginning

1.1. the night of power

1.1.1. Muhammad received a message from God

1.1.2. he went to a cave to escape the horrible festivities in Meccah

1.2. series of messages from Allah

1.3. the rich men ran them out of meccah to medinah

1.4. the battles

1.4.1. the battle of badr was won by Muhammad against the meccans

1.4.2. the battle of uhud was won by the Meccans

1.4.3. the battle of the trench was won by Muhammad and a treaty was made

1.4.4. meccans broke the treaty so Muhammad and the Muslims marched back to meccah and Muhammad destroyed all the statues

1.5. Muhammad destroyed all the statues in the Ka'ba

2. Islam today

2.1. Mosques

2.1.1. use technology like microphones and speakers and are much larger

2.2. Hajj

2.2.1. planes are used to travel and it is extremely busy every year

2.3. terrorism

2.3.1. sadly a lot of recent terrorist attacks and the worst ones because people are misinterpreting what Allah said in the qur'an

2.4. Ramadan

2.4.1. harder to do as now when you go out to places you can just smell food but traditions are kept

3. 5 pillars

3.1. Shahadah

3.1.1. the declaration of muslim faith if they say it with heart they become a Muslim

3.1.2. most important and first pillar of Islam

3.2. Salah

3.2.1. muslim prayer 5 times a day face meccah uses a prayer mat

3.3. Zakhat

3.3.1. pay 2.5% of the yearly salary

3.3.2. if you are unable to do it you don't have to

3.4. sawm

3.4.1. Ramadan ninth month of the Islamic year fast from sunrise to sunset to reflect the qur'an was revealed to Muhamad

3.5. Hajj

3.5.1. pilgrimage to Meccah

3.5.2. you don't have to go if you are not physically fit or if you don't have enough money

3.5.3. all Muslims should go at least once in their life

3.5.4. you go in he 12th month of the lunar calendar

3.5.5. ihram is the way Muslims are expected to live while on the journey

4. Divisions

4.1. Sunni

4.1.1. believe the successor of Muhammad was Abu Bakr

4.1.2. majority of Muslims

4.1.3. believe caliphs do not have to be descendants of Muhammad

4.2. Shia

4.2.1. believe that Ali was the successor of Muhammad

4.2.2. believe that only descendants of caliphs have to be descendants of Muhammad

4.2.3. give an extra 20% on top of the 2.5% for Zakat

4.2.4. they also go on pilgrimage to karalala and najaj

4.2.5. they prostrate their head onto the earth or a block of clay during Salah

4.2.6. they add "and i hear witness Ali was a friend of God" to the shahada