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Movement by Mind Map: Movement

1. Balance / Proprioception

2. Movement Impairment Syndromes

2.1. Motor Control Model

2.1.1. Local / Global Stabilisers

2.1.2. Distal / Proximal Stability

2.1.3. Patterning

2.1.4. Timing

2.1.5. Co-ordination

2.2. Precise Control

2.3. Faulty movements = microtrauma

2.4. Path of least resistance

2.5. 'Firing'

3. Kinetic Chain

3.1. Open / Closed

3.2. Control

3.3. Distance from force / Load

3.4. Association / Discosiation

3.5. Transfer of load

4. Musculo

4.1. Contractions

4.1.1. Control Smooth / Overloaded Compensations

4.1.2. Speed Acceleration/Deceleration Fast / Slow

4.1.3. Type Ballistic Eccentric / Concentric Isometric

4.2. Anatomy

4.2.1. Group

4.3. Range

4.3.1. Antagonist / agonist

4.3.2. IR/MR/OR

4.4. Myofascial slings

4.4.1. Plyometric

4.5. Recruitment patterns

5. Dynamic systems Theory

6. Stability Model

6.1. Active / Passive / neural

6.2. Neutral zone / Elastic Zone

6.3. Panjabi

6.3.1. Panjabi model with movement

7. Skeletal

7.1. Segmental Control

7.1.1. Association / disociation

7.1.2. Fixing / Compensations

7.1.3. Precision / Accuracy

7.2. Planes of movement

7.2.1. BoS / CoG / Platform

7.3. Aligment

7.3.1. Anatomical variations

8. Joint

8.1. ROM

8.2. Anatomy

8.2.1. Active

8.2.2. Passive

8.2.3. Pathology

8.3. Load / Transfer