Improve water quality

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Improve water quality by Mind Map: Improve water quality

1. Node 1

1.1. Keywords : improve water quality

1.1.1. Search made on Google

1.2. Interventions to improve water quality for preventing diarrhoea: systematic review and meta-analysis

1.2.1. Water quality has an effect on heatlh. So, th the water quality is really low, than it has an impact on heatlh. Bad water quality can lead to transit problems such as diarrhoera which is the subject in the following article. Each year, thousand of people die of diarrheoal disease. All of this can be avoided by an increase of the water quality. It's easy to talk about quality water increasement, but it needs a lot of social, medical investment. To increase it, campaigns of awareness, hygiene educations, distribution of sodium hyopchlorite are needed.

2. Node 2

2.1. Keywords: Water quality

2.1.1. Search made on google

2.2. What is water quality?

2.2.1. We can determine water quality at various leves, wether it's good to drink it or for washing a car or to swim in it. To define the quality of water, the salinity, bacteria level have to be measured.

3. Node 3

3.1. Keywords: improve water quality

3.1.1. Searched made on Google

3.2. Overview – Clean Water KC Metro

3.2.1. Elements that are present in the ground or thrown on it are present in the water.So if we pollute the groung, the water might as well finish polluted. For that, it is important to avoid pollution and throw nothing on the ground

4. Node 4

4.1. Keywords: access to water world

4.1.1. Search made on Google

4.2. Drinking-water

4.2.1. Access to water sure increased but "785 million people lack even a basic drinking-water service, including 144 million people who are dependent on surface water". Sometimes they can have access to water but of a very low quality which can give them various diseases or even kill them.

5. Node 5

5.1. Keywords: improve water quality easily

5.1.1. Search made on Google

5.2. 8 Easy Ways to Improve Your Water Quality - Scadata

5.2.1. We can improve water quality easily at home. We can filter it and also boil it.

6. Node 6

6.1. Keywords: improve water quality easily

6.1.1. search made on Google

6.2. 10 ways to improve water quality

6.2.1. Improving water quality begins by our actions. There are plenty of things that we can do to improve our water quality such as picking up after our pets, avoid flushing medications or over-fertilizing.

7. Node 7

7.1. Keywords: Water and sanitation

7.1.1. Search made on Google

7.2. Water and Sanitation

7.2.1. In a such developed period, there are still people who don't have access to water or even water facility. Not having access to water is dangerous because of the proliferation of bacterias or even worse dehydration. It's even more dangerous in this period of pandemic, where washing our hands is necessary in order to eliminate the virus.

8. Node 8

8.1. Keywords: Treat water pollution

8.1.1. Search made on Google


8.2.1. To purify water, we can use artificial filters but also biological filters.

9. Node 9

9.1. Keywords: prevent water pollution

9.1.1. Search made on Google

9.2. Prevent Water Pollution - Water Pollution

9.2.1. We can help preventing water pollution by saving water, avoiding throwing liquids in the drains, avoid overusing pestcides

10. Node 10

10.1. Keywords: improve water quality

10.1.1. Search made on Youtube

10.2. 5 Easy Ways to Improve Drinking Water

10.2.1. We can improve our water quality by using an ultraviolet purifier system.

11. Node 11

11.1. Keywords: improve water quality

11.1.1. Search made on Youtube

11.2. Michael Pritchard: How to make filthy water drinkable

11.2.1. In this video, we can see how Mr Michael Pritchard transform spoiled water into drinkable water thanks to his invention names the life saver.

12. k

13. Explanation of my synthesis: In such a developed period, there are still people who can't have access to water, and if they can, it's some low quality or even polluted water, which can have desastrous or even lethal affects on the organism.There are usually people in need. We have to help them by creating an item that can be affordable for them. So the recurring problem is the lack of ability to access to good quality water.

13.1. How can we procure water of better quality to people in need??

14. Node 12

14.1. Keywords: acces to water quality

14.1.1. Search made on Google

14.2. Water Inequality

14.2.1. In this article, we can see that some people in the World can't have access to safe water, which increases the rate of diseases and deaths. There are countries who practice open defecation which infects water with fecal bacteria. There are other countries where women are charged to collect water and it affects the time they can use to spend it with their children, work or something else. There are also coutries that have a high "risk of desertification", the capacity to find fresh water or even water is reduced.