
A mind map for summer project

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Society by Mind Map: Society

1. Military

1.1. guns

1.2. uniform

1.3. discipline

1.4. weapons

1.5. war

2. Herd of Animals

2.1. for survival

2.2. survival of the fittest

2.3. naturistic

2.4. instinctive

3. Sports team

3.1. competitive

3.2. coordination / collaborate

3.3. rules

3.4. practice

3.5. fans

4. Family

4.1. affection

4.2. small number

4.3. equal relation

4.4. strong bond

5. hobbyist

5.1. for fun

5.2. needs time and money

5.3. experimental

5.4. interests

5.5. Autonomous

6. School

6.1. students/childeren

6.2. teachers

6.3. subjects

6.4. study / knowledge

6.5. protective

7. Company / Jobs

7.1. profit

7.2. industiral

7.3. organized

7.4. competitive

8. gangs

8.1. crimes

8.2. hierarchical order

8.3. color / turf

8.4. profit

9. religion

9.1. faith

9.2. evangelize

9.3. two-sided

9.4. extreme