Finding the Right Career

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Finding the Right Career by Mind Map: Finding the Right Career

1. Finding the right Career Tip2 (To figure out what skills you have and what skills you need)

1.1. Transferable skills: Those one which can be applied to almost any field and which you can start.

1.1.1. • management and leadership experience • communication (both written and oral) • research and program planning • public speaking • conflict resolution and mediation • managing your time effectively • computer literacy • foreign language fluency

2. Finding the right Career Tip4 (Consider starting your own business)

2.1. • Make sure you are committed to and passionate about your business idea. You will be spending many long hours getting started, and it may take a while for your business to pay off.

2.2. • Research is critical. Take some time to analyze your area of interest.

2.2.1. Business plan

2.2.2. Potencial investors

2.3. Expect limited or no earnings to start.To have start-up costs that offset any profit initially

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3.1. Nuevo nodo

4. Finding the right Career Tip1 (What you really love to do and what you are good for)

4.1. Career Tests. (Tools to guide you trough the process of self discovery).

4.1.1. Questions

4.1.2. Quizzes

4.1.3. Personality assessments

4.2. Researching specific Careers

4.2.1. Looking for information about differents types of jobs and careers, it gives you many future perspectives about: Salary Amount of risk Stability of the field im considering commute distances Job vs family

4.3. Get support and information from others

4.3.1. learning from people experience who work int the field that I'm interested in.

4.3.2. Increase networking to look for new jops opportunities and contacts.

4.3.3. Job coach, especially if you are considering a major career shift

5. Finding the right Career Tip3 (Develop your skills and experience.)

5.1. • Utilize your current position. Look for on-the-job training or opportunities to do projects that develop new skills.

5.2. • Identify resources in the community. Find out about programs in your community to strengthen your skills.

5.2.1. computers

5.2.2. Basic accounting

5.2.3. Information about how to start business

5.2.4. Local Chambers of Commerce, Small Business Administrations, or state job development programs are also excellent resources to strengthen skills.

5.3. • Volunteer or work as an intern. Some career skills can be acquired by volunteering or doing an internship. This has the added benefit of getting you in contact with people in your chosen field.

5.4. • Take classes. Some fields require specific education or skills, such as an educational degree or specific training.

5.4.1. accelerated programs

5.4.2. night classes or part-time schooling

5.4.3. tuition reimbursements from your company