The 4 Step Formula For Achieving Success With Your Digital Product

This mindmap is designed to help you set up a mini course to use as a Lead Magnet for your Ideal Target Audience

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The 4 Step Formula For Achieving Success With Your Digital Product by Mind Map: The 4 Step Formula For Achieving Success With Your Digital Product

1. STEP 1: Getting Clarity

1.1. Focus

1.1.1. On ONE core challenge or situation you want to help people improve This will be a piece of a larger puzzle or product offering You can create additional products down the road

1.2. Keep it SIMPLE

1.2.1. Keep your content simple

1.2.2. Keep the technology simple

1.2.3. To get started, All you need is content, a way to collect payment for it and a way to deliver it

1.3. Avoid all the Marketing Noise out there

1.3.1. You don't need to know all about up sells, down sells, cross sells, etc to get your mini digital course out there

1.3.2. Sophisticated Marketing Funnels can be very powerful but do that down the road

1.4. Create Tangible Small and Quick Wins for your leads, clients, students

1.4.1. That will improve the lives of your students, clients IMMEDIATELY

1.4.2. Will make it more likely for them to join your Higher Ticket program

2. STEP 2: Identify your IDEAL Student/Client

2.1. Serve your IDEAL clients first by creating your digital product around them

2.1.1. Don't make a broad program to appeal to the masses

2.1.2. If you have existing clients, create your product around a common problem you observe most of them struggling with

2.1.3. Create the product for the person you want to purchase your Higher Ticket Item

2.2. Link Your product to your higher ticket programs/courses

2.2.1. Include in your Digital Product how to move forward with a higher level program with you

2.3. Create a DIY (do it yourself) mini course

2.3.1. Encourage the "it's better to work together" approach

2.3.2. You want them to realize that they will have a greater TRANSFORMATION working with you or a group if you are offering group coaching

2.4. Additional Benefits s

2.4.1. You may attract people who aren't your ideal students or clients

2.4.2. You may also serve people who may never be one of your high ticket programs/products

2.5. Common Mistakes of Course Creators

2.5.1. Don't focus on their IDEAL MARKET when creating courses

2.5.2. Focus on a broader audience

2.5.3. Spend extra time on unqualified leads

2.5.4. Get frustrated because they aren't getting the sales they want and stop doing anything

3. STEP 3: Review & Revise

3.1. Your first product doesn't have to be the only or last low cost digital product you create

3.2. You can publish your content WITHOUT it being Perfect

3.2.1. You get perfection through revision

3.2.2. You get revision by getting it out to the public

3.2.3. Nothing in your head can help someone unless IT GETS OUT and to the world


3.3. Use your Customer Feedback to revise the course to make it better

3.3.1. What's missing

3.3.2. What could be changed or tweaked a little

4. STEP 4: Engage With Your Target Audience

4.1. Create a Facebook or LinkedIn Group specifically for your customers, clients, students who purchase your product

4.1.1. Allows Peer Accountability

4.1.2. Keep the communication Simple

4.1.3. More interaction with you will encourage your customers to purchase additional products/services from you

4.2. Create an Automated Feedback Loop

4.2.1. Include in content, a way that your students can submit their questions, challenges, what's missing, etc

4.2.2. Surveys Google Forms Forms within Your Email Auto Responder