Excel and it's functions

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Excel and it's functions by Mind Map: Excel and it's functions

1. Charts and graph

1.1. Select data => Go to insert => Type of charts => Choose design => enter => Edit the chart

1.2. Use to see data easily

2. Conditional formatting

2.1. Select data => Home => Conditional formatting => select type => Do as told => Press Enter

2.2. Use to format data like statistic and other data

3. Sorting

3.1. Select table of data => Home => Sort and filter => choose type => enter

3.2. Use to sort data

4. Average

4.1. =Average(Select data [C11,E11,B44]) can be cell range B7:C16

4.2. Use to calculate the mean of data

5. Min/Max

5.1. = Max (Select data)

5.2. = Min (Select data)

5.3. To find the smallest and the largest number in a set of data

6. Sum

6.1. =Sum (Select data)

6.2. Use to add all the data in without putting in plus sign (faster and more efficient way)

7. If

7.1. =If (Logic, "value if true", "value if false

7.2. To identify and say that if value is true or not

8. Row and column

8.1. Rows are labelled in numbers

8.2. column are labelled in letters

8.3. Use for Cell referencing

9. Mutiplication

9.1. = Cell * Cell

9.2. Use asterisk(*) for multiplying not the letter x

9.3. Use to multiply values

10. Vlookup

10.1. =Vlookup(Data find, Data table, Collumn, Range lookup [True/False])

10.2. Use to look up something in a vertical table Vlookup = Vertical look up

11. Drop down list

11.1. Data => Data validation => List => Select data => enter

11.2. Use to choose validate data only (data that is true not asking for burger in a italiaa cafe)

12. Count

12.1. =Counta (Select data)

12.2. Use for counting data that is written in a table

13. Replication

13.1. To replicate a cell into others

13.2. Select a cell => hold and pull the square on the top right corner of the cell in to other cells

14. Addition

14.1. = Cell + Cell

14.2. Use to add data

15. Subtraction

15.1. =Cell - Cell

15.2. Use to minus data

16. Cell

16.1. A box to fill in function or data

16.2. A cell

17. Cell referencing

17.1. Example: A4

17.2. To mark the cell position like coordinates.

17.3. column (letters) and then rows (numbers)

18. Division

18.1. = Cell / Cell

18.2. Use to divide cells