1. Results : "Tourisme durable : attention aux fausses promesses !"
1.1. Many "ecotourism holidays" or "volontourism holidays" are sold by certain companies. Consumers are looking for sustainable tourism, but they have to be careful of scams and greenwashing. Greenwashing is a marketing or public relations process used by an organisation (company, national or territorial public administration, etc.) with the aim of giving itself a misleading image of ecological responsibility".
2. Theme 7: What about the government?
2.1. Key word ; Any actions from government?
2.1.1. Source: European Scientific Journal - EU Journal.org Results : "Local Governement's role in the sustainable tourism development of a destination" Rezarta Brokaj What I learn : Governement has been establishing and implementing a set of policies for tourism development and management. The principles of sustainable development put emphasis on local determination and implementation of policies and actions.
3. Theme 5: I deepen my topic
3.1. Key word : European Commision Actions
3.1.1. Source : France Culture Results : "Covid 19 : A la recherche d'un tourisme durable" The European Commissioner for Industry Thierry Breton thus recently pleaded for "responsible, sustainable and innovative tourism in response to the excesses of mass tourism". Moreover, consumers aspire to more responsible practices.
4. Theme 9 : I use my critical spirit and question the subject
4.1. Key word : Greenwashing
4.1.1. Source : Capital (Entreprises et Marchés)
5. Theme 6 : Interrogating the actors of tomorrow
5.1. Key word : Young People and Tourism
5.1.1. Source : France Culture Results : "Après la pandémie, le tourisme sera plus lent, plus propre, plus curieux" France.culture What I learn : A new generation of travelers : "It is the young people who will make this revolution! "says Jean François Rial, the boss of Voyageurs du Monde. More ecological journeys, using gentler, less polluting means of transport, taking one's time to discover a region, a culture, going to meet the inhabitants, that's what travelling will be like in a few years time. According to him, young people are much more aware of this. We are the actors of tomorrow.
6. Theme 8 : I use social medias for news
6.1. Key word : Politics and sustainable tourism
6.1.1. Source : Twitter Results : European Tourism convention 12 October 2020 - "Pistes et propositions pour un tourisme durable et solidaire en Europe" What I learn : The need for a European network of sustainable tourism stakeholders, the search for new tools to measure the social and ecological impact of activities, the reinforcement of short circuits with the local agricultural world, etc.
7. Theme 10 : What are the previsions for the future?
7.1. Key word : Futurologist
7.1.1. Source : Book Results : "2050 – Tomorrow's Tourism" - Ian Yeoman, Victoria University of Wellington What I learn : Will the fashionable effect of sustainable tourism be over? This book is based upon three clusters of change; wealth, technology and resources. As consumers live longer with wealth they expect richer experiences and more. They visit places and do things that their parents could not afford or would not have heard of. They are increasingly in search of meaning from a physical or spiritual point of view. Thus, sustainable tourism is part of the future.
8. Is sustainable tourism possible?
9. Results : Three pillars of sustainability: in search of conceptual origins
9.1. What I learn : Sustainable tourism needs to look at a wide definition and include all 3 pillars of sustainable development; environmental, social and economic.
10. Theme 1: I question my first keyword
10.1. Key word : Sustainable Tourism
10.2. Source : Em Lyon Learning Hub : Livres & Ebooks
10.2.1. Results : Em Lyon Learning Hub : "Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practise" What I learn : Ecotourism is defined as "responsive travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education" (TIES, 2015)
11. Theme 3: I understand my new key words
11.1. Key word : Environmental sustainability
11.1.1. Source : Google Results : UNWTO (World Tourism Organization What I learn : Sustainable tourism must make optimal use of environmental resources which are a key element of tourism development, preserving essential ecological processes and contributing to the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. Tourism is compatible with the maintenance of biological diversity and environmental resources.
11.2. Key word : Economic sustainability
11.2.1. Source : Ebook - Em Lyon Learning Hub Results : "Environment and Sustainability" Aydin, Celil - 2019 What I learn "The idea is to find ways to increase production without destructing the environment and survive without exceeding the renewal capacity of natural resources along with economic-growth"
11.3. Key word : Social sustainability
11.3.1. Source : Google Results : United Nations Global Compact : "Do Business in ways that benefit society and protect people" What I learn : The tourism industry helps to increase people’s control over their lives and local identity. It also supports communities to absorb increasing tourist arrivals without adversely affecting or damaging indigenous culture
12. Theme 2: I use my new keywords
12.1. Key word : Sustainability, Responsive travel, well-being, education
12.2. Source : Google
13. Theme 4: I let myself be guided by my personal experience and knowledge on the sustainable tourism
13.1. Key word : Smart Tourism
13.1.1. Source : Youtube Results : How to Be a Smart Tourist / Kristin Weis / TEDxHerndon What I learned: Tourism can support economic growth and environmental conservation. Tourists can communicate, interact and develop empathy and cultural understanding. In my personal experience, I did "smart tourism" in Cambodia as part of a humanitarian experience.