Digital Learning Project Reception

Digital Project

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Digital Learning Project Reception by Mind Map: Digital Learning Project Reception

1. Mathletics

1.1. Maybe Mathletics is an online learning platform that helps children develop their maths and numeracy skills. As children improve their understanding of an area, the program becomes more challenging, providing updated visuals, challenges, and activities. This platform could be used alongside concrete and abstract learning opportunities to embed and develop skills learned in the classroom in a fun and engaging way.

2. Seesaw

2.1. No Seesaw is a platform that allows students to upload pieces of work to an online portfolio. It also offers a great way to communicate with parents. This option is a 'No' as we are already utilising Class Dojo within our school which serves a very similar purpose.

3. Reading Eggs

3.1. Maybe Reading Eggs is an online learning platform where children complete animated online 'lessons'. They learn essential reading and phonics skills through a variety of fun activities and games. This option is a strong possibility as it can be used alongside phonics and reading activities in the classroom.

4. Schoop

4.1. No Schoop is an online parental engagement tool. which allows letters and texts to be sent out online. Within class we already use class dojo to communicate with our parents which would rule this option out. However, this might be something that our school office could use to simplify mass emails and texts.

5. Flipgrid

5.1. Maybe Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create "grids" to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is like a message board where teachers can pose questions, called "topics," and their students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. This would really test the digital abilities of our children and could be really beneficial in terms of developing oracy skills.

6. Timetable Rockstars

6.1. No This platform offers opportunities to practise times tables sums in a really fun and engaging way. This option is a 'No' as our children in reception are at the beginning of their learning journey and some of these skills have not yet been taught/learned.