Doi Kham Tomato Juice

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Doi Kham Tomato Juice by Mind Map: Doi Kham Tomato Juice

1. Problems

1.1. Some of Thai people more concerned about their health and appearance

2. Solutions

2.1. Doi Kham produces tomato juice as a healthy drink but also benefit to the skin for Thai people

3. The audiences

3.1. Clients

3.2. Business partners

3.3. Competitors

3.4. Local famers

3.5. Company factory workers

3.6. Company employees

3.7. Online influencers

4. Tools

4.1. Social Media

4.2. Doi Kham Website

4.3. E-commerce websites

4.4. Marketing news websites

4.5. Forums / FAQ

4.6. SEO

5. Business Model

5.1. E-commerce

5.1.1. Offline store

5.1.2. Online store