Leaving Social Media

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Leaving Social Media by Mind Map: Leaving Social Media

1. Twitter

1.1. How to deactivate

2. overview from WikiHowTo

2.1. how to delete

2.1.1. 1

2.1.2. 2

2.1.3. wikiHowTo use the search for info on each app

2.2. How to Delete Yourself from the Internet

3. YouTube

3.1. delete

4. FIT Applications for Social Media CG121

4.1. Kurt Vega

5. G+

5.1. How to delete (V)

6. Facebook

6.1. deactivation or deletion?

6.2. delete

6.2.1. How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account

6.3. Deactivating, Deleting, and Memorializing Accounts

7. LinkedIn

7.1. experience with

8. Apps we've covered in class

8.1. Google Account

8.1.1. Gmail

8.1.2. Google+

8.1.3. Docs

8.1.4. Reader

8.1.5. Drive

8.2. NetVibes

8.3. LinkedIn

8.4. mindmeister

8.5. Curation

8.5.1. Scoop.it

8.5.2. paper.li

8.5.3. pearltrees

8.5.4. storify

8.6. Twitter

8.6.1. Listorious

8.7. Search

8.7.1. Google Scholar

8.7.2. WolframAlpha

8.7.3. Google Gravity

8.8. Prezi

8.9. Hootsuite

8.10. Tumblr

8.11. Pinterest

8.12. MyPermissions

8.13. Online Identity

8.13.1. flavors.me

8.13.2. about.me

8.14. YouTube Channel

8.15. Evernote

8.16. Dropbox

8.17. JotNot Scanner app

9. People we've covered

9.1. Ray Kurzweil

9.2. Kevin Kelly

9.3. Peter Diamandis

9.4. Clay Shirky

9.5. Howard Rheingold

9.6. Robert Scoble

9.7. Lawrence Lessig

9.8. Steven Johnson

9.9. Cory Doctorow

9.10. Chris Anderson(Wired)

9.11. Chris Anderson(TED)

9.12. Nicholas Carr

9.13. Sherry Turkle

9.14. Douglas Rushkoff

9.15. Jaron Lanier

9.16. Andrew Keen