Sample Pack for Tea

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Sample Pack for Tea by Mind Map: Sample Pack for Tea

1. Packaging

1.1. Usage

1.1.1. Advertising the product

1.1.2. Marketing the product

1.1.3. Packaging the product

1.1.4. Hold the products in safely

1.2. Size

1.2.1. All products (10/12 tea bags) must fit

1.2.2. Mustn't be too big in size

1.3. Package

1.3.1. Logo

1.3.2. Price

1.3.3. Barcode

1.3.4. Color configuration

1.3.5. Nutrition information

1.3.6. Company information

2. Third Party

2.1. Client/Companies

2.1.1. T-connections Singapore Gourmet Tea

2.1.2. Clipper Organic Tea bags from the UK

2.2. Users

2.2.1. Frequent tea drinkers Find people from tea shops Kaye- personal friend that drinks tea

3. Unit

3.1. Materials

3.1.1. Corrugated Card

3.1.2. White Lined Chipboard

3.1.3. Lamination film

3.1.4. Magnet

3.1.5. Double sided tape

3.1.6. Cartridge Paper

3.1.7. Paper Board

3.1.8. Art Paper

3.2. Manufacture

3.2.1. Consumption Prototype of batch produced sample pack

3.2.2. Arrangement

3.3. Transportable

3.3.1. Easy to close and open

3.3.2. Light in weight

4. Sustainability

4.1. Recyclable

4.2. Reuse

5. Production Method

5.1. Batch Produced

5.2. Flow Production

6. Display

6.1. Target Audience

6.1.1. Users who are new to the brand

6.1.2. Frequent Tea drinkers

6.1.3. People who want to buy it as a gift for others

6.2. Graphics

6.2.1. High Quality

6.2.2. Images Teacups Teabags Kettle Tealeaves

7. Flavors

7.1. Green Tea

7.2. Black Tea

7.3. English Breakfast Tea

7.4. Earl Grey Tea

7.5. Lemon Grass Tea

7.6. Jasmine Tea

7.7. Oolong Tea

7.8. Spearmint Tea

7.9. Peppermint Tea

8. Theme/Colors

8.1. Colorful and Creative

8.1.1. Cute Tattoo

8.1.2. Typewriter

8.1.3. Chalkduster

8.1.4. Patel Colors

8.1.5. Simple Colors

8.2. Professional and Expensive

8.2.1. Engravers MT

8.2.2. Gloucester MT Extra Condensed

8.2.3. Black/Maroon/Light Brown

8.3. Simple and Sleek

8.3.1. Century Gothic

8.3.2. BlairMDICT TT

8.3.3. BlairMDICT TT

8.3.4. Red/Orange/Yellow/Brown

8.3.5. Black/White

8.3.6. Navy Blue/Silver/White/Black

9. Life length

9.1. 1 Year

9.2. 6 Months

9.3. All time