Ensure women’s full and effective participation in leadership at all levels of decision-making.

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Ensure women’s full and effective participation in leadership at all levels of decision-making. by Mind Map: Ensure women’s full and effective participation in leadership at all levels of decision-making.

1. Thématique 1 : The women representation

1.1. Women representation

1.1.1. Google

1.2. Visualizing the data: Women’s representation in society

1.2.1. Women representation in politics raised from 11% to 24% in past 23 years

2. Thématique 2 : Representations of women in the media

2.1. Women representation

2.1.1. Google

2.2. Women - Representation of gender - GCSE Media Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize

2.2.1. Representations of women in the media have developed and changed with time to reflect the cultural and sociological changes in society. However, female stereotypes continue to appear in some media texts.

2.2.2. Representations of women are often defined by how men see women (termed the 'male gaze'), or by how society expects women to look and behave.

3. Thématique 3: In sport

3.1. Women in sport

3.1.1. UN website

3.2. Op-ed: Empowering women through sport

3.2.1. The power of sport to change the lives of the most marginalized girls and young women can be seen in the success of One Win Leads to Another (OWLA), a joint partnership between UN Women and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that is a legacy of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

3.2.2. It combines sport practice with life-skills education for girls in the most vulnerable, and often violent, communities. And thanks to the generous support of the IOC and additional funding partners, it continues to grow and deliver real results

4. Thématique 4:

4.1. Women representation in compagnies

4.1.1. Google

4.2. Women in leadership bring better business performance

4.2.1. GENEVA (ILO News) – Businesses with genuine gender diversity, particularly at senior level, perform better, including seeing significant profit increases, according to a new report from the Bureau for Employers’ Activities of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

5. Thématique 5 : VS COVID19

5.1. Covid answer

5.1.1. UN website

5.2. How are women uniquely impacted by crises like COVID-19?

5.2.1. During Crisis women act as leader and are not impact the same way.

6. Thématique 6 : Economic Commission for Europe

6.1. Economic representation

6.1.1. Economic Commission for Europe

6.2. https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/RCM_Website/ECE_AC.28_2019_12-e.pdf

6.2.1. Over the last five years, countries in the ECE region have made strides in increasing women's participation in decision-making in politics, public administration and the private sector. But progress has been modest and varies across countries

7. Thématique 7 : Mental load

7.1. Mental load

7.1.1. Youtube --> Google

7.2. It's Time To Talk About The Invisible Labor Falling On Women's Shoulders

7.2.1. The mental load is a term for the invisible labor involved in managing a household and family, which typically falls on women's shoulders.

8. Thématique 8 : Gender Equity Paradox

8.1. Gender equity theory

8.1.1. Wikipedia

8.2. Gender-equality paradox - Wikipedia

8.2.1. The gender-equality paradox describes how increased gender differences have been observed in countries that are more progressive in terms of gender roles. The gender-equality paradox most commonly refers to the findings of a 2018 study by Gijsbert Stoet and David C. Geary that, counter-intuitively, suggests that countries with a higher level of gender equality tend to have less gender balance in fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), than less equal countries

9. Thématique 9 : Claiming by Art

9.1. Feminist engaged music

9.1.1. Youtube

9.2. Angèle - Balance Ton Quoi [CLIP OFFICIEL]

9.2.1. Music is a way to claim more equality and freedom

10. Thématique 10: #FreeTheNipples

10.1. Instagram scandal due to women nipple strike

10.1.1. Instagram --> Google

10.2. #FreeTheNipple : le PDG d’Instagram explique la censure - Elle

10.2.1. On Instagram, users have been struggling for years to achieve equality. Because while female nipples are censored, men's nipples can be shared without constraint. The #freethenipple campaign has been denouncing this injustice since 2012.

11. Is a political response sufficient to guarantee gender equality or is it necessary to consider that a multitude of variables must be brought together in order to bring about a societal revolution?