1. 2014 Magento Wish List
1.1. Big Moves
1.1.1. Move to GTM
1.1.2. Move to Enhanced Ecommerce
1.1.3. Move to Universal Analytics
1.2. Additions
1.2.1. Add to cart tracking (standard with Enhanced Ecommerce) Add to Wishlist / Compare
1.2.2. Content grouping for category, sub-category and product pages ('lists' in Enhanced Ecommerce) Regular URI pattern would also make possible targeting for a/b tests using Optmizely, VWO etc
1.2.3. Customer ID tracking (anonymous) in Universal Analytics
1.2.4. Error message tracking Checkout validation Registration validation Product level error - quantity / required fields
1.2.5. Checkout journey type tracking: guest, sign-in, new account
1.2.6. Site Search Identify zero results searches so we can use to improve navigation and I/A
1.2.7. Offer / promotion codes Offercode accepted (with code) Offercode rejected (with code)
2. Conversions
2.1. Micro conversion
2.1.1. Add to Cart
2.1.2. Saw Cart
2.1.3. Entered offer code
2.1.4. Started Checkout
2.1.5. Added Review
2.2. Macro conversion
2.2.1. Completed Checkout Server-side data Product
2.3. Look to Book (see GA Enhanced Ecommerce)
2.4. Consider tracking of 'off site' conversions. See Github extension:
2.4.1. https://github.com/magento-hackathon/UniversalGaConversionTracking
3. Orders/Product Views
3.1. Category
3.2. Product
4. For example for refunds
5. Measurement protocol?
6. Layered navigation - selected values
7. Sub-category
8. Newsletter signup
9. Customer (anonymous)
9.1. Total orders made
9.2. Lifetime spend
9.3. Cohort YQM
9.4. Newsletter preferences
10. Transaction
10.1. Checkout method
10.2. Payment method
10.3. Latency
10.4. Shipping method
11. Errors
11.1. Login failed
11.2. Offercode rejected
11.2.1. Dynamic: offercode used, so you can spot typing mistakes and correct
11.3. Error pages 40x 50x etc
11.3.1. Use URI, not title, so it can appear in standard reports, goals and intelligent alerts
11.3.2. NB: it is currently possible to use GA profile filters to get the same result, but would be preferable not to have to bother
11.3.3. Include URI requested for correcting
12. Checkout error messages
13. Custom dimensions / metrics ideas
13.1. Session
13.1.1. Visit type Browse - unrecognised Browse - recognised Checkout - new guest Checkout - new sign-up Checkout - sign-in
13.1.2. Order Count of order lines
13.2. Visitor
13.2.1. Visitor value Count of orders Value of orders
13.3. Page / Content Grouping
13.3.1. Category
13.3.2. Sub-category
13.3.3. Information
13.3.4. Product SKU