Growth-mindset vs Fixed mindset

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Growth-mindset vs Fixed mindset by Mind Map: Growth-mindset vs Fixed mindset

1. Examples

1.1. Nokia- a renowned mobile manufacturing company that refused to upgrade its’ mobiles to Android platform which was the reason its’ competitors such as Samsung adapted and became much stronger. Hence, Nokia had to face a downfall and was outraced in the mobile industry.

1.2. Jack Ma constantly failed his college exams thrice, faced ten rejections from Harvard and he was also the only candidate to be rejected by KFC in amongst a group of twenty-three people. That’s when he founded Alibaba- the company which was in great loss for many years and after 25 years of immense struggle, Alibaba is highly successful in present years.

2. Power of yet

2.1. I am a person who is not confident in my communication skills, but I will always practice speaking in front of the mirror whenever I have free time.

2.2. I am not good at memorizing English vocabulary, but I always practice by reading English books every day.

3. Reflection on me

3.1. I always encourage myself to try and be more developed, however, I often avoid math problems instead of looking for ways to improve it.

3.2. I used to be an unconfident person when standing in front of a crowd, however, I don't stop practicing, and now I've been a singer in Vietnam for 6 years and have a number of television awards.

3.3. I was looked down on by teachers just because my grades in my class didn't stand out, they assumed I wouldn't graduate from high school, and now I'm not just graduating from high school, not only graduated with good grades, but is currently studying master in America.