Cut & Collect

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Cut & Collect by Mind Map: Cut & Collect

1. 3. Hair can filter out oil. "1kg of hair filters up to 8kg of hydrocarbons"

1.1. Hair to fight an oil spill | Eco CO2

1.2. There is absorption (with a B), but there is also adsorption (with a D).

1.3. Eco-friendly method

2. 4. How can we help to spread this eco-friendly method ?

2.1. Create an app to show the various hair harvesting points of the "Matter of Trust" business for hairdressers, groomers, and individuals who wish to donate their hair and fur.

2.2. Applications that shows the collection progess by day, month, year, and the number of liters of oil absorbed thanks to the donations.

2.3. Application that allows users who wish to sanitize water areas to order the amount of mattresses they need by indicating, in the app, the water area's number of square kilometers.

3. 4. Finding: this method is not the most used because it is not known enough and donations are too small. However, it is the most eco-friendly !

4. 1.Finding: oil spills pollute oceans

4.1. "2500 oil spills a year on avarage" - Matter of trust

4.2. "9th cause of oceans' pollution"

4.3. "One barrel of crude oil make 1 million barrels of water undrinkable"

4.4. Each year, there are "2,500 oil spills per year on average". Hydrocarbons are the "9th cause of water pollution" and "one barrel of oil spilled into the water causes pollution of about one million barrels of water". In August 2020, 1,000 tonnes of oil spilled around Mauritius threatening the fauna and flora of the surroundings. As a result, cleaning up this oil spill was an emergency. Many different methods have contributed to this.

5. 2. A company sets up a service to help clean up oil spills

5.1. Matter Of Trust | Eco-Enthusiasts for Renewable Resources

5.2. To fight against pollution of oceans, seas and water areas, hairdressers and individuals donate hair and fur. From these, mattresses are created and placed in the water to absorb the oil from the oil spills.