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NHL by Mind Map: NHL

1. Health and Safety

1.1. Effects

1.1.1. Positive helps build muscle encourages healthy exercise enhances team communication skills

1.1.2. Negative Fatalities less time with family

1.2. equipment

1.2.1. quality

1.2.2. safety codes

1.2.3. cost to purchase

1.3. News

1.3.1. Issues

1.3.2. New node

1.3.3. New node

2. Players

2.1. News

2.1.1. Number one pick

2.1.2. Priority Team

2.1.3. Upcoming Stars

2.2. Updates

2.2.1. New Drafts

2.2.2. Upcoming players

2.2.3. Skills and style

2.3. Record

2.3.1. Scoring Status

3. Teams

3.1. News

3.1.1. Training Camps

3.1.2. Preparations

3.1.3. New Line Ups

3.2. Updates

3.2.1. Facilities

3.2.2. Budget

3.2.3. Managements

4. Tournament

4.1. Seasonal

4.1.1. Season Match Ups

4.2. World Series

4.2.1. Rankings

4.2.2. Stature

4.2.3. Match Ups