Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 203

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Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 203 by Mind Map: Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 203


1.1. Students are allowed to use laptops to research

1.1.1. when the teacher allows time in class

1.1.2. during study halls

1.2. Students are not allowed to download or install anything on any computer

1.2.1. Unless told to do so by the teacher

1.2.2. or with permission

1.3. how to care for laptop

1.3.1. treat it as if you bought it

1.3.2. be gentile with the computer

1.3.3. no food or drinks around the laptop

1.3.4. do not touch the screen


2.1. Return laptop to corresponding number.

2.2. Make sure to plug in laptop to charge cord.

2.3. After you have plugged in laptop, let teacher know you have put it back before leaving class.


3.1. Fail to follow rules:Loss of computer use

3.2. If computer is broken: detention

3.2.1. if broken on purpose, the student will pay the amount of the damages