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Miner by Mind Map: Miner

1. Actions to Keep them Out

1.1. petitions to government

1.2. protesting

1.3. New node

2. Gold

2.1. they send gold to China

2.2. they ''steal" gold from "our" goldfields

2.3. look in our abandons

3. Our Feelings

3.1. envious

3.2. hatred to them

3.3. angry

3.4. smelly & untidy

4. Actions to Chinese

4.1. verbally abuse

4.1.1. joke and tease them

4.2. physically abuse

4.2.1. whip and beat

5. Other Reasons

5.1. disease outbreak

5.2. new gambling brought by them

5.3. brought a drug called Opium

6. Disliking Chinese

6.1. clothing

6.1.1. baggy pants

6.1.2. wierd hats New node

6.1.3. padded jackets

6.1.4. white socks (unsuitable)

6.2. religion

6.2.1. pagan

6.2.2. not christian like us

6.3. food

6.3.1. smelly

6.3.2. different

6.4. employment

6.4.1. take our jobs

6.5. wasteful

6.5.1. use too much water we tell them to stop but they don't listen

6.6. different languages

6.6.1. New node

7. Chinese Arrival Numbers

7.1. arrival numbers too large

7.2. overpopulated