Chinese immigrant
by derek liu
1. Life on the Goldfields
1.1. We find gold in leftover deposits since we are hard working
1.2. We use our own method to find gold
1.3. work in groups with other chinese
1.3.1. for safety
1.3.2. efficiency
1.3.3. easier
2. Feelings
2.1. rejected
2.2. dejected
2.3. abused
2.4. distressed
2.5. depressed
3. Settlement
3.1. Lived in groups of other chinese
3.2. Had to live away from other miners
4. The trip
4.1. very long and expensive
4.2. need to borrow money for the trip
4.3. ship owners must pay £10
5. Religion
5.1. different to the europeans and english
5.2. buddist
5.2.1. worship idols teased because of that
6. Racism
6.1. They set up laws for us only
6.2. They disrespect our beliefs
6.3. They damaged our camps
6.4. we are treated like slaves
6.5. critisised for spending gold in china
7. traits
7.1. we liked opium smoking
7.2. we have a different type of gambling
7.3. we dress in different clothing
7.4. we introduced different food and items
7.5. we like differnt drinksand food.,
7.6. bought new medicines
8. Other ways of getting money
8.1. Selling essentail things
8.1.1. food
8.1.2. medicine
8.1.3. water