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BEACH af Mind Map: BEACH

1. People

1.1. Life Guard

1.2. Beach goers

1.2.1. Families

1.2.2. Karens

1.2.3. Metal Detectorist

1.3. Security

1.3.1. Armed

1.3.2. Unarmed

2. Ocean

2.1. Animals

2.1.1. Jellyfish

2.1.2. Sharks

2.1.3. Fishes

2.1.4. Whales

2.1.5. Crabs

2.1.6. Corals

2.2. Currents

2.2.1. Surface current

2.2.2. Underwater current

3. Activities

3.1. Surfing

3.2. Swimming

3.3. Volleyball

3.4. Suntanning

3.5. Game of Tag

3.6. Letting pets run around

3.7. Treasure hunting

3.8. Collecting seashells

4. Sand

4.1. Sea shells

4.2. Sea glass

4.3. Dead sea creatures

4.4. Rocks

4.5. Minerals

4.6. Salt

5. Leisure time

5.1. Reading magazines

5.1.1. Fashion

5.1.2. Cooking and Baking

5.2. Playing games/activities

5.2.1. Frisbee

5.2.2. Volleyball

5.3. Stress-free

5.3.1. Walking around the beach

5.3.2. Mind is free from work/school related

5.4. Picnic

5.4.1. With family

5.4.2. With friends

6. Weather

6.1. Sunny

6.1.1. Umbrella

6.1.2. UV RAY Sunscreen Suntanning

6.1.3. Hot weather Chilling drinks

6.2. Stormy

6.2.1. Dangerous Sign No swimming