Course Structure Template

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Course Structure Template by Mind Map: Course Structure Template

1. Evaluation and Grading

1.1. At least 60% must be achieved

1.2. Total number of possible points: 100

1.3. Based on results achieved in:

1.3.1. Final Exam 40% of all possible points Prepared individually

1.3.2. Assignments Prepared in groups 30% of all possible points

1.3.3. Analysis Report Prepared in groups 30% of all possible points

2. Schedule

2.1. Lecture Notes

2.2. Assignments

2.3. Final Exam

3. Learning Objective

3.1. Upon the completion of the course students should be equipped with technical, statistical and interpretative skills necessary to conduct, evaluate and monitor research projects. Emphasis will be put on the use of the computer software to perform data analysis.

4. Prerequisites

5. Attendance

5.1. Required

5.1.1. Final Exam

5.1.2. Analysis Report

5.1.3. For the assigned presenter of the assignment

5.2. Highly recommended

5.2.1. Lessons

6. Assignment Requirements

6.1. Use group name for the submitted documentation

6.2. Do not use zipped files

6.3. Only one EXCEL file per group per submission is accepted

6.4. Prepare a results summary

6.5. Must uploade to edunet

7. Software Requirements

7.1. SPSS

7.2. Excel

8. Readings

8.1. Mario F. Triola: Essentials of Statistics; Pearson Education

8.2. Gary Koop: Analysis of Financial Data

8.3. Andy Field: Discovering Statistics Using SPSS;

8.4. James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson: Introduction to Econometrics

9. Hi, I'm Professor Jim, your instructor!

9.1. Demo Jim